How i got this book's name... (Joke from me!)

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Number 1:

I waited for somebody to yell, Not! But all I got was Mr. D yelling, "Oh, a royal marriage. Trick! Trick!" He cackled as he tallied up his points

Lightning theif, Page no. 69, line no. 6 :)

Number 2:

"We'll send out a decoy to the left," Thalia told the team. "Silena, you lead that." 

"Got it!" 

"Take Laurel and Jason. They're good runners. Make a wide arc around the Hunters, attract as many as you can. I'll take the main raiding party around to the right and catch them by surprise." 

If Jason is Thalia's lost brother, how can she not stammer???

Titan's curse, page no. 56, line no. 11.

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