chapter 7 - ?!

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A song I was listening to while making this

Everything was peaceful for a while until I heard something, no someone familiar...
"It's been a while hasn't it naruto-chan?"


Naruto P.O.V:
That voice is familiar... too familiar. I didn't want to look where the voice was coming from so I just looked down. The figure walked over to me and lifted my chin. My eyes met a pair of icy blue eyes staring back at me.

I pulled my chin away from his hand."What do you want Elijah." I said. "I wanted to see your beautiful face again foxy" (this is so fucking cringe istg-). I wanted to puke. It's been a long time since I've heard that name from anyone, not even Okaa-san or Oto-san use that name anymore because of what happened.

Elijah sat down on the bench with me. I didn't bother to look at him without wanting to puke. I could feel his eyes piercing my skin as if I were his prey. "I heard you got into a new school, huh foxy?" Elijah asked breaking the silence between us. I didn't answer and just stared at the floor waiting for him to leave.

Seconds later, he grabbed my face and whispered into my ear, his hot breath going through my ear made me shiver. After he was done whispering in my ear he got up and left. I still sat on the bench shaking, hot tears threatening to fall. They were not tears of sadness or fear, they were tears of rage, anger, vengeance. All that was on my mind was
What did I do to deserve this?

(A.N: seems like a good spot to stop. Sorry if this wasn't the best chapter. Now here is a question for you guys!

Q: What did Elijah whisper into Naruto's ear? And who is Elijah?

These questions are going to be answered soon but I just want to see your answers and predictions as to what happened I'm the past

As always have a good day/evening/night, drink some water, get some sleep, and as Gai sensei always says

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