chapter 1 :p

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⚠️ WARNING: This story has strong language and maybe you later on. Do not read at your own risk⚠️
⚠️you have been warned⚠️

3rd person's P.O.V:
Naruto was just sleeping peacefully when something hopped on his bed and started licking his face...

Naruto's P.O.V:
I open my eyes to see an orange fox with 9 tails. "Five.....more minutes Kurama," I say in a tired tone. I feel him hop off my bed and closed my eyes in victory but also felt guilty. I regretted feeling guilty the second I felt my body getting off my bed. "KURAMA WHAT THE FU-" was what I could say before my body hit the ground.

3rd person's P.O.V:
"Kurama what the fuck was that for?!" Naruto said to the fox identified as Kurama. Kurama shrugged his shoulders (does he even have shoulders? 🤨) and walked out of the room

Naruto grunted as he got up and went to the bathroom he closed the door and got into the shower. There was one thing he was dreading about today: school. You see, Naruto has social anxiety and is antisocial. He doesn't want to make friends. He just wants to get through the school year without any problems.

Naruto finished his shower and got dressed (you can imagine him in anything you want). He went downstairs to see a man in the kitchen cooking breakfast

"Good morning!" Naruto said to the man. The man turned around and smiled at naruto. The man also had a scar on the bridge of his nose.

"Good morning Naruto, how did you sleep?" The man asked

"I slept good iruka sensei!" Naruto said the man now identified as Iruka.

"That's good. Anyways are you ready for school?" Iruka asked.

Naruto walked to the table and sat down. He wasn't excited about going to another school just because something happened at his previous one.

" I'm not excited about this's more like im.....anxious kinda"
Naruto said pausing in-between words. "I mean, don't get me wrong I'm glad to be away from that school but... I don't want to talk to anyone at this school along with have any friends either., you know?" Naruto continued. Iruka sat there quietly while eating." well, if it makes you feel any better, they're getting dorms and you are allowed to have pets inside and out of the school. You can bring them with you to class if you'd like to." Iruka said. Naruto looked at Iruka surprisingly but then his expression change to a smile." Thank you for telling me Iruka sensei but, won't you get lonely in the house by yourself?" Naruto said

"No no Naruto, I won't," Iruka said. Naruto and Iruka finished their breakfast and Naruto went to his room to brush his teeth and packed for his new school. When he was ready, he went to Kurama's cage and got the leash from it, and put it in his backpack ( A.N: So Kurama wasn't attached to the leash if that's what your thinking). Naruto put Kurama in his cage and took it to the car with his other packed belongings, not all of them but some like Kurama's important stuff and his important stuff.

After he got done putting everything in the car. He got in the car himself. He took Kurama out of his cage and set his cage on the ground, putting Kurama on his lap, and stroking his fur. Iruka got into the driver's side and turned on the car and they started driving

"Everything is going to be ok Naruto, I promise. It's not going to be like your previous school" Iruka said while driving.

Naruto stared out the window looking at the passing terrains and cars

Oh, how wrong Iruka is.

633 words~

The Little Ball Of Sunshine - Naruto Harem (ON HOLD)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant