7. Someone's Thinking About You

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"I want to meet him too." Joanne said emotionlessly as she took another spoonful of the 'food'. "But I think we should talk before that, don't you think?"

Xander paused, looking between his phone and his wife.

She was right.

They needed to talk. Rubina had advised the same.

But he was reluctant to do that.

These were the band-aids that he thought needed some more time before they were ripped off. She did not have to take it all off right now and hurt herself.

"Hey... We will take it slow for now. Maybe after you get all better?"

"My mother killed herself... AFTER trying to get me killed." Xander was taken aback by the casualness with which she said it. "I think I am being completely reasonable when I say I want it all over with."

"How did you..."

"She's my mother, Xandy. I am convinced she lost her mind by the misfortune her daughter had to go through that she came up with her own twisted solution to all the problems." Joanne shook her. "They can't hurt her baby if her baby isn't even alive."

"Jo, Jackson killed her-"

Joanne looked up, her face contorted in an expression of disgust and mockery mixed together.

"Does that man have to have credit for everything? If she did die by his hand, then it's either because she let him or because he reached there before she could do it herself."

"Baby, why are you trying to justify Rodney? She tried to kill you, love. And she almost succeeded." Xander sat down next to her, his eyes taking in her forest green ones. He was taking them in thoroughly because he had hated it when he did not remember every detail about them when she was comatose.

Of course, he was never letting her go through something like this ever again. But he did not want to go any more days not knowing what those eyes looked like.

And he did not like the way her eyes welled up as she bit her lips. "She is my mother. If I don't defend her, who will?"

"Baby..." Xander leaned forward, throwing his arms around her rigid frame, pulling her to his chest. She made no movement, nor did she resist. She did not know what to do with anything anymore.

Everything changed in that one afternoon.

Her entire world, as she knew it, had changed.

Her love for her grandfather? For the man who loved her more than anything else in the whole wide world? It was gone. Gone gone. With no hope of ever returning.

He had let her down.

Her mother had let her down.

Her husband had let her down.

At that moment, she was all alone. And she had felt so unloved at that moment. That moment which would have been the last of hers if it wasn't for that little kid.

She remembered turning to him as a last resort. As a last resort to try to live.

"Yo Jo, sup?" Those were the last words she remembered hearing before she blacked out.

And he had saved her. She was indebted to that little rascal for life now.

She chuckled, despite the negative emotions swirling around her.

She's The Bossजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें