6. A Made Man!

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Gregory hoisted Ava up onto the kitchen counter. "Did you go visit Aunt Joey today?" He asked, a smile playing on his lips.

"No." She pouted. "Mommy said I can go there only after I finish my breakfast." 

"So shouldn't you be finishing your breakfast?" Gregory booped her nose. He could guess why Anika would want that - there was no way Ava was going to leave Joanne's side once she gets to know that she was up. Ava would not eat and even Joanne would not be left alone so Anika wanted her to have as much as she could before she was overwhelmed by Ava's rainbow attack. 

"But then Uncle Xandy asked me to wait till he says so." She pointed cutely at her uncle, a pout stamped onto her tiny face.

"Why?" Gregory gave his busy brother a flat look. "She needs to see her aunt."

Ava was the only person in the entire family who was unaware of Joanne having woken up. And everyone had decided that they would not be the one to tell her. She would find it out on her own.

"Once Ava is in, I won't get my wife to myself at all," Xander said and then whispered only for Gregory to hear. "You know how Joanne is, Joe is a baby and she can't handle him yet so she won't throw a fit. But when it comes to Wolf and Ava, she gives them her undivided attention and won't spare me even a glance."

Gregory chuckled.

"Don't say it."

"Made man of the mafia-"

"DON'T SAY IT!" Xander turned to him with a scowl, raising the spatula he was holding. 

Gregory's eyes flew open as he took in the appearance of his brother for the first time - he had pancake batter on his hair, and he was wearing Joanne's lilac apron which said 'DoG mOmMy' and which obviously was not covering his wider frame, and he was holding up a spatula. 

Gregory bit his lips, trying his best not to rile his brother up anymore. But his determination fell short in front of the ridiculous sight in front of him, and he burst out laughing.

If Xander's outburst had not startled Ava, her father's monstrous laughing did. He laughed too loud and for too long that Anthony followed the racket and walked in on the scene. It didn't take him even a moment to start laughing his head off like a hyena, the two brothers high-fiving each other. 

Ava sat there confused, not knowing what her father and uncle were finding so funny and Xander stood there listing the reasons in his head why he could not murder them.

"Xandy, you!" Anthony laughed. "There's no living this off!!" He waved his hands animatedly as he continued to laugh, his face turning red. Xander groaned as he imagined ways he could make his face turn blue. 

"Get out, you idiots!" Xander growled, turning to Ava. "Ava, ask your Dad and Uncle to leave!" 

"Very mature, Xandy!" Gregory chuckled, controlling himself. "As I was saying, a made man of the Mafia reduced to looking like this and fighting a kid and a dog for his wife's attention!" He pointed at Xander from head to toe. 

"He's my son," Xander said, his voice deadly low. 

His voice was enough to send chills down Anthony's body but Gregory was the eldest brother. He did not get affected by his younger brothers' coldness, so he simply smiled, nodding, knowing very well how sincere Xander was about it. 

"I know. It just came out in the flow. I am sorry." He said and then added, "But still! A made man!"

"Oh shut up!" Xander groaned, making no move to fix his appearance whatsoever. 

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