chapter 7 it becomes real

Start from the beginning


Jason;not gonna lie, i still have those fears sometimes at night ...

*Jason muttered as he squeezed Marinette's hand for support, he got it when not only Marinette squeezed back but also cuddled closer to her husband*

Marinette:and I'll always be there up with you to make sure you see you are nothing like that scum of the earth. You are a loving man a kind man a wonderful husband, i could go on but best we get back to the story

*Jason gave a small smile and nodded looking at his family before continuing the tale*


Scene change

*Jason was sitting on a bench at Champe de Mars, the Eiffel tower was his view but Jason was in his own world. His own twisted world, a twisted world that needed therapy, a twisted mind that shouldn't have taken 4 months to convince to go to therapy and*


Jason:ok i get it love i was stubborn I'm sorry

*Marinette gave him an innocent smile as if she didn't know what she was doing, Jason rolled his eyes and continued the tell*


*The truth wasn't that far off, Jason was currently remembering times with his original family, all the mistakes all the abuse. Jason was terrified that he would repeat those mistakes with this child*

Jason:what am I gonna do...

???:follow the music notes of life

*Jason jumped out of his skin as he looked to his right where the noise was coming from he saw a man with black and blue hair strumming a guitar*

*Jason jumped out of his skin as he looked to his right where the noise was coming from he saw a man with black and blue hair strumming a guitar*

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Jason:where the hell did you come from?

Luka: I've been sitting here playing music for like 35 minutes you've been in your own little world until you finally said something

*Jason nodded at the explanation and sat back down*

Jason: follow the music notes of life? What kind of crap is that anyway?

Luka:an advice from a musician, penny for your thoughts?

Jason:rather keep them to myself if you don't mind

Luka:not at all

*Luka started playing one of his songs*

Luka:They call me the kid with the cardboard facePencil a smile or frown then eraseMake me a monster with paper mache

I'm the kid with the cardboard face

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