Lessons With Professor Lupin and Hagrid

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Harry was nervous, but not for the reason you might think.

Ever since the attack on the train, Jace and Draco were a bit... overprotective of her. Okay, they were excessively overprotective to the point she had to snitch to Katheren (Sorry, Jace, Dray...)

Since then, they backed off but still acted overprotective, much to Harry's dismay.

Harry and Shade decided to head to class, aka DADA, to see how things were. 

For the past few days, the quad skipped since they had no idea how to handle Lupin. After all, he's friends with Harry's sperm and egg donor. Plus, he feels rather "weird," Katheren's words.

Even so, they didn't trust him until Hermione told them what happened during classes.

"He's actually better than the last two teachers we had," She said, and although the quad was a bit iffy about it, they decided to try it. If not, there's always Dumbledore, much to his amusement/dismay.

When they started lessons with the headmaster, Dumbledore thought he would have enough magic to teach the four of them.

Unfortunately, much to the quads' amusement, the old age got to Dumbledore, but he still was a better teacher than any of the other ones they had.

"Come on. Let's see how 'good' he is," Shade stated, not wanting to meet another year of torture.

He and Harry were heading to see while Katheren and Mariposa headed to their other class- Potions.

Once they arrived, they saw the Slytherins and Gryffindor standing, so they went to see the lessons.

"Welcome, welcome, everyone, to another day of class," Lupin said, excited to teach again.

He was barely new, yet the students were glad to have him since it's been a while since a good teacher was here.

Lupin, though, was surprised to see Harry and Shade there, not expecting them to be here. He expected Harry and his friends to continue to skip, but he's happy nonetheless.

"Alright, class. Today, we'll be learning how to defend ourselves against a creature. If anyone knows, please answer the question- What is a Boggart?"

A hand rose, and Harry recognized it was Hermione while another student did the same.

"Yes, Ms. Granger?" Lupin said.

"A Boggart reveals a person's worst fears," She answered.

"Right answer! Five points to Gryffindor! Can anyone tell me what spell we can use to defend ourselves?"

The same people rosed their hands and this time Lupin picked Draco.

"It's Boggart-Banishing spell, Riddikulus," He answered, to which he received five points for his house.

"Alright then, now everyone, repeat after me, 'Riddikulus!'"

"Riddikulus!" Everyone, including Harry and Shade, repeated.

"Okay then. Line up, everyone. One at a time," Lupin said, and Harry and Shade decided to head back to the end of the line. Unfortunately, other people thought way ahead of them.

"Oh, no, you don't," Draco said, dragging Harry and Shade at his side, making Jace's eyes lit up in fury.

"No, no. Harry and Danny should be with us," He said, dragging the two on his side.

Everyone could feel the tension, and Harry, at this rate, wasn't in the mood. She had a headache earlier due to being slammed by a door while walking. Katheren, thankfully, repaired her, but it left a headache.

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