The Sorting Hat

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As the quads were sitting in their compartment waiting for their destination, they began to tell their tales of what led them to Hogwarts. 

Harry heard from Danny when he arrived that he was so lost he bumped into Katheren, who had a knife in her hand for protection. Once they met, Danny admitted that he thought she would kill him, and Katheren nervously laughed. They quickly got ahold of the situation and met Mirabel, who was lost as well as them.

Then, Mirabel told everyone how she landed on her back after touching her Portkey and met the two. She could tell that Katheren was nervous, but she didn't want to point out the obvious by being rude, so she stayed quiet. As they were together, she saw Harry and Hagrid and thought that maybe they could help, and Harry smiled. 

Harry told her side after Mirabel finished speaking about meeting Hagrid. How she was raised by Lily's sister throughout her childhood after being abandoned. 

This led to Katheren speaking about her past: how she was accused of something she didn't do, resulting in being abused, neglected, and bullied in her hometown. Mirabel then spoke up about being bullied or overlooked by her 'family', resulting in her running away. Afterward, Danny told his tale about how he left to find a new beginning after being dumped by his 'friends' and 'family.'

"Wow, we really have a shitty childhood, huh?" Danny said, getting everyone to agree.

As they sat there in silence, Katheren suddenly had a question.

"Are they going to put us in the same classrooms, or how does it work?" She asks Harry, assuming she knows something.

"Well, based on what my Aunt said, there are four houses of Hogwarts: Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, and Ravenclaw. Depending on what the Sorting Hat said, you'll stay at the House for the rest of your seven years," Harry explained.

"Just like that, nothing else?" Mirabel asks.

"Well, if we all go to different Houses, we still are friends no matter what, right?" Danny questions nervously. 

"Of course! Even if our personalities are different despite meeting each other for a short time, we'll have breakfast, lunch, and dinner together as well as classes!" Harry exclaimed, holding Danny's hand.

This eases everyone except Harry, and they all relax until a trolley appeared. 

"Any sweets, anyone?" The kind lady asks.

"Do we have to pay them?" Mirabel kindly asks, looking over the sweets.

"Yes, deary. There are options, but if you don't want any..."

"It's okay, we have some Galleons, what's there to offer?" Harry asks, showing the lady their share of the money.

The lady showed them their options, and they all got Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans and Pumpkin fizz candies; paid, of course. 

As they munched their sweets, Danny and Mirabel ended up with bad luck with  Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans while Katheren got the goods. Harry only ate Pumpkin fizz candies and didn't bother eating the beans. 

Once they were done, the train stopped at their destination, making the quads anxious. 

"Ready?" Katheren asked, holding Harry's hand, who in turn held Mirabel's, and she holing Danny's

"Ready as we'll ever be..." The trio answered.

As soon as they got off, they began to hear someone repeatedly shouting, "First years over here!" 

The quads went up to the person familiar to them, Hagrid, and they, along with others, were swift into a boat. 

Everyone stared in awe at the castle and the stars above, making them even edgier. 

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