Into the Chamber of Secrets; Here We Come!!

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The duo looked shocked to see the blood of a rooster stain the wall. What was worse for them was that someone was dying in the Chamber.

"Alright, then. Fuck this. It looks like we have to save this person. Maybe they're the ones responsible for this," Harry said.

"Or they're being forced into it," Katheren adds, and Harry is just amazed at how her friend can see things no one else can see. 

"Okay, then. Since we know Jace and Ron will have to do something about it, we'll follow them," Harry said.

Katheren agreed, and they went to see where Jace and Ron were.

Sure enough, after fifteen minutes of running, they found them in the entrance of the first-floor bathroom with... Oh, hell no.

"What's he doing here?!" Katheren sneered as she saw stupid Goldylocks with the two.

"We needed him to follow us for something," Jace said, but Harry also noticed his sneering tone.

"...Okay then. Can you tell us what you know, and we'll share the information as well," Harry spoke.

"Alright then. So, there's a chamber called the Chamber of Secrets, and we discovered more about this thanks to Professor Binns-" Jace starts to say.

"Professor Binns knows that stuff? I guess he's that old," Katheren interrupts. 

"-Yes, he's that old. Apparently, the Chamber of Secrets is a chamber built by none other than Salazar Slytherin to protect all purebloods. However, that failed, and we think someone is using it for something else—specifically, Voldemort-"

Harry gulped, but Jace resumed, "So, we think the creature that petrifies the students is a Basilisk, a very tall snake. So, we think whoever's controlling them can speak Parseltongue-"

"That's nice and all that stuff, but shouldn't you be leaving now?" A girl's voice was heard, and Lockhart flinched back before recomposing himself. 

"Myrtle!" Jace says while Ron hides behind Katheren and Harry.

"Oh, hello, Jace~! Nice to see you- And who're these people with you?" Myrtle 'gently' asks.

"I'll explain later. Mind showing us where the entrance of the Chambers is?" Jace asked, but Myrtle huffed.

"Why?! So you can use me?!! I think not!!!" She yells before flushing herself into a toilet.

"Ew," Harry and Katheren said, and Ron agreed.

"Great, now what?" Jace groans and Katheren walks passed him to a sinking stool.

"Harry, come over here, would you?" She said.

Harry obliged, and then Katheren said, "Try saying open in Parseltongue."

"Open..." Harry says, and the sink soon starts to change into the Chambers as it unlocks itself. 

"Oh, goodness gracious-"

"Shut up, Goldylocks," Katheren snarked, getting almost everyone to chuckle.

"Anyways, let's go in. Jace, if you could continue, please?" She said as she pulled a rope, tied it, and started heading down.

"Of course. So, after we discovered what a Parseltongue is, thanks to Hermione, we found a diary where it explains what happened. Of course, we discovered that Tom Riddle got Hagrid expelled thanks to a diary, but it disappeared when we tried finding it." Jace followed.

"So, the reason someone trashed the boys' side of Gryffindor Compartment was for the diary?" Harry asks.


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