The Incident...

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With Harry and Danny, they sat next to each other while getting stares from other peers. 

The teacher looked at them with either disgust or unimpressed and promptly ignored them.

This didn't bother them despite being in different Houses, but what came next wasn't so pleasant.

"I am Professor Snape, and today you will learn the art of Potions and what to use when in a certain situation. Mister Potter, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Snape asked Jace.

Silence was filled with tension as Jace shrugged. 

"I don't know..." He mumbled. Hermonie's hand was raised but was ignored.

"Pity. Looks like fame isn't clearly everything. Tell me, where would you look if I told you to find a bezoar?"

Jace repeated his answer, and Snape was more frustrated.

"Last question, what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

This time, Jace didn't answer, only looking at Hermione who knows the answer.

"Ten points from Gryffindor for one not knowing the answers while one is acting as a Miss-Know-It-All. Let's see if your brother knows..." He said, turning to face Harry.

Jace, on the other hand, was worried that his brother would be judged on his knowledge. However, he didn't expect to be that brilliant. 

Harry cleared her throat before speaking. "For the first question, you would get a powerful sleeping potion called the Draught of Living Dead. For the second question, you would find a bezoar in a stomach of a goat. Als, known to save you from most poisons. Lastly, there isn't a difference between monkshood and wolfsbane plant as they are known as aconite, sir." 

Everyone was shocked that Harry would know the correct answers to the questions.

 Snape was impressed by the child who he thought didn't know anything. What more was that the child next to him was taking note.

"Five points to Slytherin, and I supposed two points to Gryffindor for setting up examples others should follow," He said.

'Good thing I read the book before coming here...' Harry thought.

'Good thing I took note; otherwise, I would've been screwed...' Danny thought.

When no one was doing what Danny did, Snape exclaimed, "Well, why aren't any of you taking notes?!"

Throughout the day, Gryffindor, all except one, was picked on by Snape while Slytherins, including Harry, gained points.

They were creating a simple potion that could cure boils. 

Upon the assignment, Harry was receiving looks from Jace, mostly worried about her capability. Hermonie and Ron, though, were just looking at Danny with glares.

'Just because I'm with my friend, who by the way is a Slytherin, doesn't mean I should be receiving hate. Then again, I already made enemies with them...' Danny thought, still stirring the cauldron. 

"Hey, I think we're done..." Harry whispered, pointing out that the cauldron is exactly the color they needed.

"Professor Snape, I believe we're done!" Danny spoke after raising his hand.

Snape came over and was dazzled with how much work the two had done without any accidents. 

"Very well done, boys. Ten points for each of you. In the meantime, why don't you two just relax or feel free to help others," Snape spoke before leaving.

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