Quidditch and Troll Hunting

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As one week passed with the quads, life came in full of surprises.

So far, no one bothered them, much less even a hint of bullying since the teachers, especially Snape, watch over them like hawks. 

However, this doesn't please some students, especially Gryffindor and Slytherin, when they see Harry and Danny interacting.

Although most Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw mind their business, they wouldn't chat with Katheren or Mirabel. They would only do so when necessary. 

Needless to say, so far, the week had been a blast for them since they were learning so much.

On the plus side, Flying Lessons and Astronomy were all conjoined, which meant that all Houses were together. 

On a Wednesday morning, every first-year was presented, much to specific students' dismay.

"Welcome to your first class, wizards and witches! I am Madam Hooch! Now, stick out your hand over your broom and say, 'Up!'" Madam Hooch said.

"UP!" Everyone said, and Katheren's and Harry's broom immediately went to their hand. 

Draco got his broom up a minute later and looked over to see Ron struggling, which caused made him chuckle. 

Harry rolled her eyes and looked over to see Danny's mouth gaped. 

"Damn, how you do that?!" Danny said, struggling to get his broom.

"I don't know; concentrate on holding your broom by the palm of your hand and say it without hesitation," Katheren shrugged.

After following her advice, Danny and Mirabel got theirs up a few minutes later.

"Alright then, for those that couldn't get their brooms up, pick it up and position yourselves!" Madam Hooch said.

All the students were ready at her mark until Neville suddenly began to fly. 

"Get down here, boy!" Hooch exclaimed, but Neville couldn't hold on and ended up hanging on the roof, which later resulted in him falling. 

"Alright, up you go! The rest of you stay put and don't move!" Hooch said before leaving with Neville clinging to his arm.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here! His remembrall!" Draco said, picking up Neville's remembrall.

His group laughed except for Harry, who rolled her eyes again and glared at him.

"Give it here, Malfoy!" Jace said, annoyed and disgusted with Draco.

"Then why don't you grab it from me, Potter!" Draco said, flying afterward.

"No, Jace! Don't do it!" Hermione said, but Jace's pride came first as he zoomed to Draco.

'You have got to be kidding me...' Harry thought as she saw, along with her friends, the action right in front of them. 

What they saw was Jace riding his broom towards Draco while he (Draco) mocked him.

The rest stared either in awe or annoyance at how Jace and Draco were showing up until Draco "accidentally" dropped the remembrall.

Jace quickly zooms and manages to catch it, much to Draco's dismay.

"Jace Potter and Draco Malfoy!!" Mcgonagall exclaimed, seeing the boys up in the sky.

'Why do I have a feeling something good will come on their part?' Harry thought.

'Why do I have this gut feeling right now?' Danny thought.

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