Tom Riddle's Diary

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"What did you say, Harry?" Katheren asked as soon as the words came out of her mouth.

"I said-"

"I know what you said. I mean, what happened at the boys' compartment?"

"Apparently, someone trashed the entire room, possibly looking for something."

"And you know this because...?"

"Jace and Ron came up to me and-"

"Accused you of doing something like that?"

"-Nope! They asked me if Draco was involved since we were 'close.'"

"Why would they want to know if Draco was in it?"

"Don't know, but I did find this pretty cool notebook."

Harry then proceeded to show Katheren a black, old notebook that she saw.

"Where did you find that notebook?" Katheren asks.

"In the secondary-floor girls' bathroom," She answers.

"Isn't there a ghost haunting there?"

"No, that's the first floor."


As the girls headed towards the Great Halls for lunch, Katheren began dreading the notebook.

'Why do I feel like I saw that notebook from somewhere?'


As soon as everyone headed to bed, Harry and Katheren stayed up to look over at the mysterious notebook.

"So, what do we do?" Harry asks, conflicted. 

"Try writing something," Katheren suggested, and Harry quickly picked up her quill to write.

"Hello, this is Harry Potter," She wrote.

The words disappeared until it was replaced with, "Hello, Harry. My name is Tom, Tom Riddle."

"Holy shit, let me try," Katheren said as Harry passed the quill to her.

"Hello, this is Katheren, Katheren Bee."

It took a few seconds, but the notebook eventually wrote, "Hello, Katheren. Based on your presence next to Harry, you could already tell I'm Tom Riddle."

"This is so weird," Katheren mumbled.


They continued chatting with the notebook until a question came to mind.

"Do you happen to know anything about the Chamber of Secrets?" Katheren wrote.

Harry looked at her as if she performed arson, but the notebook quickly wrote, "Why tell you if I can show you?"

And with that, Katheren and Harry covered their eyes as a bright light surrounded them.

They felt a shift in scenarios flashing before their eyes until they came to a stop.

"Where are we?" Harry whispered, seeing everything in black and white.

"Don't know. Maybe-"

A rather fine-looking young man rushed past them, and Harry decided to follow him. Katheren soon came along as well to check on what was happening.

A bunch of adults were walking downstairs with a medical bed wrapped in a blanket.

Then, Albus Dumbledore stared at the body that was going away, and the young man said, "Sir, is it true?"

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