"Oh," Y/N huffed. She took another quick sip. "Right. Well, do you want some of mine?"

"I'll pass," Brock shook his head.


"What did you want to talk about, Y/N?" Brock asked.

Y/N sighed. It was clear that Brock wasn't interested in small talk. "What do you think is going on?"

"Going on?" Brock asked. "What do you mean?"

Y/N didn't know what she meant. In all honesty, she was hoping that she would bring it up and he would just start talking. She didn't have a certain answer she was looking for. Y/N thought back to yesterday. Colin and Ella's conversation.


"This isn't just a coincidence, Ella," "Something is-"


Y/N wished she hadn't made herself known to Ella and Colin so quickly. In that moment, it was no big deal. But now, sitting here in front of an anticipated Brock, Y/N wished she had overheard what Colin's next words would've been.

"Look, I heard Ella and Colin talking yesterday morning," Y/N explained. Brock nodded for her to continue. "I think they were talking about all this...shit that's been happening."

"You mean..." Brock trailed off.

"Yes," Y/N nodded. He didn't even need to say it. "That."


A small silence fell over the two siblings as they took brisk, inconsistent sips of their drink. Y/N cleared her throat and attempted to start the conversation up again.

"So," Y/N began. "I just wanted to know what you think about everything?"

"You want to know what I think about everything?" Brock asked, causing Y/N to nod. "Where should I start?"

Y/N shrugged. "Wherever you want."

"Fuck- I don't know," Brock shrugged. "I mean, this all fucking sucks, that's for sure." Y/N grimaced. "I mean, JB and I were never really...close."

"Yeah, we weren't really, either," Y/N nodded. "If I'm being perfectly honest, I-"

"What?" Brock asked. Y/N shook her head. She couldn't say that! Brock furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Come on, sis. Tell me."

"Well, I..." Y/N swallowed the guilt in her throat. "I never really thought that Uncle JB even...liked me."

There was a split silence before Brock spoke up. "Yeah," His eyes trailed off at the sound of whispering coming from the elderly couple at the counter. He tried to ignore them. "I never thought he liked me either. Or...any of us, for that matter."


"Mhm," Brock nodded. "I mean, not his fault, I guess. We're a handful."

"I suppose," Y/N agreed. "I feel wrong talking about him like this."


"I mean...he passed away," Y/N answered. "He can't defend himself from our accusations. I mean, what if he did like us? And, we're just... talking bad about him."

"We're not talking bad," Brock decided. "We're stating our opinions. Two very different things."

"Well, what about Aunt Raven?" Y/N asked.

Brock smiled thoughtfully. "I like her. And, I think she's always liked us."

"Do you think..." Y/N cleared her throat. "Well, I mean... do you think she'll survive?"

Mrs. Christmas (YANDERE! Mrs. Claus x FEMALE! reader)Where stories live. Discover now