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You're a young girl. You have a gentle and caring heart and strive to perform well in school. However, you tend to copy from your classmates during exams. You do this because you're scared of failure. And invariably worry about how others perceive you.

Unfortunately, your habit soon gains you a reputation as a cheat and a fraud. Your peers began to tease you, calling you names and making fun of you in front of the entire class. You try to defend yourself. But it seems as if everyone is against you.

Time goes by. You start maturing and eventually realise that copying is not the right way to succeed. You learn that genuine success comes from hard work, dedication, and a willingness to learn from mistakes.

Moreover, you understand that bullying others never leads to anything positive. It only creates pain and suffering for all who are involved. You make a promise. It is to yourself to always treat others with respect and kindness, no matter what.

Today, you're a successful businesswoman. You achieve great things in your life. You attribute your success to the valuable lesson you learn from your childhood experiences. You are grateful. Especially for the challenges You face, as they help you become who you are today.

The moral of this story is that it's never too late to change your ways and learn from your mistakes. With hard work and a positive attitude, anything is possible. And always remember to treat others with kindness and respect, as we never know what battles they may be facing.

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