plus i would say i've known micah longer than i've known d3, met micah in school and met d3 once i started being in the streets and what not.

"lil nigga look just like you goddamn." micah said as i placed the bottle on the table and sat zoltan up to burp him.

"i know, my mini me foreal." i said laughing and lightly patted his back.

"lemme hold him when you done." micah said and i nodded towards the kitchen.

"wash ya hands dummy." i said and he got up.

i looked over at taiyo and he was on his phone,"you good?" i asked and he nodded.

"i smoked before micah dragged me out the house." he said and i laughed right as micah came back.

"hand him over." micah said and i shook my head.

"you know how to hold him?" i asked and he shook his head no.

"all i know is not tightly and support his head" he said and i shook my head.

"hold your arms out nigga." i said and carefully placed zoltan in his arms.

"see move ya hand here." i said and he listened.

"i'm scared his mouth moving-" micah said making taiyo laugh.

"nigga relax before he feel you being nervous and start crying." i said then grabbed my controllers from the tv stand.

"tryna play madden?" i asked taiyo and he nodded before catching the controller i threw to him.

"aye aye whoever win gets to have storm." micah said and me and d3 slowly looked at him.

"don't ruin the mood bruh." d3 said as micah laughed as if it was the funniest thing ever.

"babyyy." i heard memia say as she came downstairs while micah and d3 smacked their lips.

"wassup?" i asked putting my attention on the game before she sat in my lap.

"i'm going to the mall wit a few friends...can i get some money?" she asked.

"mhm-hollon." i said as i stared at the tv screen until i heard zoltan whine.

"hold this." i said handing the controller to memia then grabbed zoltan from

i walked back to the bedroom where his diaper bag was and changed his wet diaper,"the girls are fighting!" i heard micah say before laughing.

"ain't nobody fighting wit this bitch." i heard d3 say and i shook my head before walking back to the living room with zoltan.

"what y'all got going now?" i asked placing zoltan's pacifier in his mouth.

"give him back." micah said mugging me and i mugged him back before handing zoltan to him.

"remember that's my son you holding nigga." i said and he waved me off.

"it's coo if i post him?" micah asked and i nodded.

"now like before- why micah talking about fighting?" i asked sitting back down and memia rolled her eyes.

"nobody was arguing- was just wondering while he still around." she said nodding towards d3.

"i wonder the same about you." he shot back and micah snickered.

"lord you gonna have hella tea to tell storm." he said to zoltan who just blinked in response.

"bae- you gonna let him talk to me like that foreal?" she asked and i reached into my pocket and pulled out around $300.

"don't you got shopping to do?" i asked handing her the money and she scoffed.

she didn't say anything else as she spared d3 one last glance before leaving but he was on his phone not paying her any attention.

"bra— you missed it...she was going in talking about some how it feels being wit storm? is it weird being around a child you can't claim as your own?" micah said mocking her voice at the end.

"she just trolling...a few weeks ago she said sumn about us having a baby." i said.

"nigga if you do that your dumb as hell.." micah said and i shrugged.

"mmm..." i mumbled going back to play madden.


i rubbed my eyes as i heard zoltan start screaming, i heard a groan from memia as i got up.

"awl what happened to i want a baby." i said and she flipped me off as i picked zoltan up from his bassinet.

"shhh it's okay..." i cooed as i checked his diaper.

"you just hungry as hell." i said grabbing the formula and an empty baby bottle.

i carried him to the kitchen and he was still crying as i made the bottle,"zoltan- i love you lil nigga but please." i said as i placed warm water in the bottle then the formula.

i shook it up first before placing the nipple in his mouth, his cries died down as he eagerly sucked on the nipple.

"now i see what storm be talking about, you scream like somebody killing yo ass." i said shaking my head.

once the bottle was empty he immediately started closing his eyes, i held him up and tried to burp him before he fell asleep.

once he burped i carried him back upstairs and placed him in his bassinet, i saw memia was on her phone as i crawled back in bed.

"what you doing?" i asked and she showed me her phone screen showing me she was on fashion nova.

i heard zoltan starting to whine making
me get back up, i noticed he spat out his pacifier and was wiggling around with his face scrunched up.

i picked him up and took off his onesie then changed his diaper,"maybe he wanna be held to go to sleep." she suggested.

"ion think he's that spoiled." i said as i rocked zoltan in my arms.

"that's not spoiled draco, it's normal for babies to want their parent holding them- it gives them comfort and that may be how he sleeps with storm." she said and i sighed.

i grabbed his pillow he could sleep in and placed it on the bed before placing him in it and got back in bed,"now imma need you to sleep- this as close as you getting." i said and he blinked at me with wet tears on his face.

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