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Wild Enough- Elina

Wild Enough- Elina

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"Double crossing me"
"Testing my patience" I run my hands over the array of guns, smirking sadistically at the man in front of me.

"You know, that's not a smart thing to do, don't you think" I run the tip of the gun on his neck.

"You had one job" I grab his neck and give it a tight squeeze, making sure to dig my nails into his skin which he chokes and wheezes for air, his face slowing turning blue due to to lack of oxygen.

"Please- I'll return the money I swear, just give me three days" He pleads and I almost felt sorry for him- almost, who am I kidding
This boy doesn't know who he's talking to.

"Times up"


With that I shot him right in between the eyes, The mafia is no place for emotions- so yeah, I've sent a lot of people to hell.

And I feel no remorse.

"Nettoie ça" I say to the guard standing at the door
"Oui Don" Is all he says before heading towards the body
Translation: [Clean this up], [ Yes Don]

I don't spare a second glance before walking out of the dark room, heels clicking as I stride down the halls of the underground torture chamber.


"Hi, I'm Ash what can I do for you today beautiful" He takes a quick glance at my boobs before looking at me.


"I'd like to have one oreo and one M&M Mc Flurry please"
"Let me guess, you're getting the Oreo" He replied and I internally cringe.


He wasn't wrong tho

He was fairly built, about 6'4 in height, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, baby face, dimples I admit he was cute but, cute wasn't my exact genre. He must have noticed me staring at him and mistook me for 'checking him out' judging by the ugly smirk on his face.


I pay and sit at the table near the window when I notice a little girl holding a half melted twix Mc Flurry with who I assume are her parents who are sitting on either side of her while laughing at their little toddler who got ice cream on his nose.

That's cute, I wonder how they feel-

I get cut off my thoughts when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.
"Mama come home as soon as you're done with work" Lei's voice booms over the phone speaker.

"I'm done actually, so what's up"

"Nothing really, just come home soon ok?"

"What is it?"

"Not now I'll tell you when you get home bye"

"Wait what is it, what happened Le-LEI!!" I shout.

She hung up

She fucking hung up on me

I wonder who she gets it from

"Your order beautiful" Ash- the guy from earlier hands me the bags
I look up from my phone to collect the bags from him

"Thank you" I make my way out of Mc Donalds towards my car when I notice four men in suspicious looking black suits trailing behind me. I enter my car and I'm not surprised when they enter theirs.

I swear these people have no idea what blending in means, but anyways

This is going to be fun.


When we were out of civilization, I immediately sped up the car then peering through the rear view mirror to see one of the men in the car come out on the sunroof while the other two that weren't driving started aiming at my tires before shooting recklessly at me which I somehow, magically managed to avoid with no major damage.

They're pathetic.

I grab my AA -12 rifle from the hidden compartment in the car and set the car on auto pilot before coming out of the window and shooting recklessly at the wind screen of the other car multiple times so the bullet proof glass shatters completely so the air bag puffs up, which causes the car to swivel before shooting the driver and the two front tires of the car.

The car crashes, and I get out of my car to confirm that they're truly dead- which one is still alive.

"Who sent you"
"I'd rather die than tell you" He replies in a deep Italian accent.

His loyalty should be commended

"Wrong answer"


Crimson blood spatters on my shirt and I couldn't help but smile widely as psychotic as it sounds, it's just a satisfying sight.


But shit I just got this shirt and it was one of my favorites, too bad I'll have to burn it later.

Poor shirt.


"Maman tu es de retour!!,Tante Luna, tante Luna, maman est là!!" Lei screams from the couch
[Mama, you're back, Aunt luna, aunt luna, mama is here].

"Regarde ce que j'ai" l wave the bags of flurries in the air
[Look what I got]

"Mama let's go to my room" She drags me all the way up the stairs
"Nous serons à l'étage!!" I shout
[We'll be upstairs]

"D'accord!" Luna replies.

When we reached her room, I make myself comfortable and sit on the bed while she shuffles through her drawer and brings out a neatly folded piece of paper.

"Someone at the mall told me to give you this" She hands me the note. I stare at the note for a while before opening it up hesitatingly

It could be a trap

When I opened it I couldn't believe what I saw

"What did it say"




Update: I just realized how cringe I used to write 🗿. I started this book in tenth grade so I was a little inexperienced in literature, but, fear not, it's still under immense editing ✍️🙏👯

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