Part 8: He's here

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The meeting finished surprisingly quickly. Perhaps the Hokage needed time to process the information. That's fair. Kakashi left feeling rather happy, now all that was left for him to do was to check on his teams' graves and of course to start training his kids.

Walking to the cemetery always left him feeling a bit hollow, but now he felt somehow elevated. He wasn't alone anymore, and if they did this right he never again will be. The grave stones looked as clean as he left them. Standing in front of Minato-Sensei's and Kushina-nee's joint resting place, he made a mental note to bring Naruto here the next time he comes around. He deserved to know where his parents lay.

Turning to find his students, Kakashi noticed a familiar chakra signature with them. It was hidden under layers of genjutsu, but it was definitely him. Obito was with the kids. Kakashi was already moving before that thought fully registered in his mind. Obito always had that effect on him. His hands flew through the signs and he disappeared in a swirl of leaves.


Kakashi's students were interesting. They lead him to an abandoned training ground in the middle of the woods. It certainly was the best place to not be over-heard by anyone. The kids were playing smart. Not telling him anything with the nonsense information they were dumping on him. The genin were stalling. For what reason Obito had no idea. The four of them stood in a loose circle. Sakura stood between the boys and in front of him.

"Are any of you going to give me an actual answer or are you just going to waste my time?" Obito was beginning to regret his decisions. These kids were already as annoying as Kakashi, and they have yet to spend an extensive amount of time around him!

"We don't know what you want. You'll have to tell us." Sakura, who seemed to assume the role of the leader, spoke up." So far all we know is that you believe we can give you answers, but we don't even know what the questions are!"

"Gah!" Before Obito could do so much as move a muscle there was a kunai pressed into his neck.

"Don't try to escape into kamui, I'll follow you." Kakashi's unmistakable voice whispered in his ear. "What are you doing here, Obito?" The way he said his name sent a weird feeling crawling up his spine.

"I want answers."

"To what?"

"How do you know about me? Or why are your genin so freakishly intelligent?"

"And why should I tell you. As far as I know you're a missing-nin and killed thousands of innocents."

"Oh please, Kakashi, as if you haven't killed just as many. "This was getting ridiculous, Kakashi, lecturing him about the people he killed. How did he get here? Honestly he was only supposed to get in and out. But now that he thought about it he didn't even know why he believed this to be a good idea.


Obito's words left a stinging feeling lingering all over him, but Kakashi was a professional. He wouldn't let it show on his face.

"I am a wanted man in many countries, but not my own. I don't deny the number of people I've killed, but I have never killed my comrades!"

"Oh? Yeah!? And what about Rin!?" Obito's voice was filled with venom and years of pent up rage. "Does she not count?! You killed her!"

"Rin was an accident! I didn't mean to hurt her! She jumped in front of me, and you know it! At least I didn't mean to do it, but you! You killed Minato-sensei and Kushina-nee. Not to mention the Uchiha-massacre!" Kakashi noticed the slight flinch of his students at their families' mention. Obito looked at the three in front of them. He stared long and hard at the two boys.

"They know." It was a statement, not a question. "Why do they know?" The rage previously in his voice was completely swallowed up by disbelief, then surprise, with a bit of respect shining out from under.

"Yes. We do." Sasuke's answer was as short as ever, but it left a stunned silence filling up the air around them.

Kakashi pulled his kunai back, but he kept it in his fist.

"Let's calm down. I'll try to answer your questions, but first. We need somewhere more private." Kakashi took a moment before continuing. "Can zetsu enter kamui?"

Obito narrowed his eyes before he shook his head ,"No."

"Then that's where we'll go." Kakashi pulled his head-protector off keeping his eyes closed, he channeled chakra to them both. After a moment he opened them. Obito's gasp was music to his ears as he pulled the five of them into the dimension of cubes.

"I'll admit," Obito sounded less shocked and more amused at this point. "I was not expecting that."

Kakashi just grinned at him before walking over to his kids, who were already sitting on the ground looking up at them. "I think it's best if you sit down. It's a long story."


Kakashi wasn't lying when he said long. It was also quite difficult to wrap his head around. Obito has seen some crazy things, but time travel was for sure a new one.

"Okay. So the four of you are from a future that is fucked up beyond reason." After getting a round of nods he continued." And there is a seal on my heart that won't let me act

according to my own wishes."

"That's pretty much it, yes." Naruto nodded along enthusiastically. "But lucky for you, I can get it off. And Sakura-chan is going to assist with the medical part of it all. So you don't have to worry."

"Yes. Even with your enhanced ability to heal I think it's best I'm on standby."

Kakashi looked so proud of the kids, it felt weird to think how much they've been through together. They looked like a well oiled machine. Perfectly moving and falling into line next to one another. Obito felt out of place to say the least.

"So when do we get this thing off of me?" He questioned to break the feeling of awkwardness inside him.

"Like right now! If you want, dattebayo." Naruto rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. 

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