Part 3: Team 7

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Glancing around, Sasuke recognised the room he was in in a second. It was the academy. The only people there were Naruto, Sakura, himself and Iruka, who was immersed in his paperwork. Observing his two teammates, he realised they weren't back. If Naruto's bright, innocent blue eyes and Sakura's intelligent but just as innocent eyes were anything to go by. "So I'm alone? Let's hope at least Kakashi is back with me." Sasuke laid his head down on the desk after noting that, knowing him, his Sensei won't be here for at least three more hours.

Sasuke woke up to someone sitting next to him. "pst. Teme!" Naruto's voice was filled with the understanding of someone who survived the most brutal war the Earth has ever seen.

"You're back?" Sasuke whispered his tone doubtful.

"Yeah." Naruto looked at his face for a second before continuing."You still have the rinnegan." Sasuke quickly hid his left eye under a strong genjutsu before turning his attention back to Naruto.

"I've been back for," a glance at the clock told him the time "about an hour." Deciding to get to business, Sasuke brought up the time delay between the two of them arriving.

"Hmm" Naruto's thoughtful humm was overheard by Sakura, who made her way over to them at a fast pace.

"What are you two talking about without me?" She asked with a level of confidence that could only be Sakura's. The one from the future.

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto exclaimed, happy to have his friend back as well."Apparently, the Teme has been here for an hour already." The blond explained, not really caring to keep his voice as low as before, as Iruka was still very invested in his work.

"Naruto. Keep your voice low." The medic of the team scolded her friend, but a smile was forming on her lips.

Sasuke kept to the background as the conversation took a turn into random nonsense after random nonsense, occasionally chiming in with his own random stories but content to listen to his friends.

About two hours later, they heard a familiar voice."Yo!" They turned towards the door to see their Sensei with an amused glint in his visible eye.

"My first impression of you is... Hmm. It could be worse." All three of them could tell he was smirking behind his mask, obviously not meaning any harm. "Meet me on the roof in a minute." Before he shunshined away, he turned towards the chunin in the room and waved at him as a greeting.

The genin shared a glance before running out the door after their Sensei.

Kakashi heard the sound of three people panting behind him. He looked at them and smiled. It was one of the rarer ones. One he only used around people he truly loved. "So, where do you kiddos want to go?"

"Ichiraku's!"All of them knew it was coming.

"Ichiraku's it is!"

The four of them walked to the ramen stand. Talking.

"So. Sensei? When did you get back?" Sakura questioned.

"Around 5 in the morning. Why?"

"Huh. That's weird. Sasuke got back about an hour before me and Sakura-chan was after me about ten minutes."

"Hn." The raven-haired boy confirmed.

"Hm. That's weird indeed. But. Hey. What matters is that all of us are back safe and sound." They finally arrived at the stall, and Naruto ran in. The others followed close.

"Hello, Old Man!" Teuchi smiled at the small kid.

"Hello, Naruto. What can I get for you?"

"Four bowls of Miso Ramen, please!" He took a seat, and his teammates surrounded him. Sasuke sat on his right, Sakura on his left and Kakashi next to her.

"Four bowls of Miso Ramen coming up!" And the old man turned away to help his daughter with the meals.

"So, what do we do now?"

"Well, Sakura, I think we should see how strong the three of you currently are."

"And how would we do that?"

"The bell test. So eat up everyone, because we will be doing the test today."

"What? Why today?"

"We can't waste our time, dobe."

"But one day won't make a difference!"

"We have to see how much work we have to do, Naruto." Sakura scolded him.

Pouting, Naruto looked away. After a few minutes, they got their ramen and they dug in. They ate in silence, all four of them lost in thought.

When the team got to training ground seven, they stood in a circle.

"You all know the rules. Try to get the bells. But to make sure we don't bring any unwanted attention to ourselves, Sasuke, you can't use the rinnegan."


"Sakura, you can't use your byakugou seal or break the ground with your punch."


"Naruto, you can't use Kurama's chakra."

"Got it, dattebayo!"

"Start!" As Kakashi started the test, the three genin disappeared into the surrounding forest. "Hm. They are trying to hide their chakra, but it's not very successful in Naruto's and Sasuke's cases." Deciding to wait out the kids, Kakashi leans against a tree and takes out his book.

In a small clearing, not too far from their Sensei, three kids are sitting together. Making a plan.

"Okayyyy. So what's the plan?" The blonde asked his teammates.

"I say someone distracts him while the other two sneaks up on him. We don't necessarily need to get the bells. We really only need to show off our skills with the limitations Kakashi-Sensei put up."

"Oh, no. I'm getting the bells. He humiliated us last time, Sakura-chan. I think it's time for a payback."

"We also need to asses his powers. Not just our own." The Uchiha put in his opinion.

"Yes. that too." Naruto awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.

"Alright. I have the beginning of a plan already." The pinkette spoke up, taking charge of strategizing as per usual.

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