Part 7: Obito

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Obito was in the middle of a space so much like Kamui yet so different at the same time. It had the cubes, but they were colourful. He could hear panting behind him. Turning around he found a man so familiar yet he could not recognise him. The man was kneeling, head bent and a hand clutching his other shoulder. His hair was a beautiful shade of grey and he wore a green vest. So familiar yet again, but Obito couldn't put his finger on it. Turning back around his eyes(why could he see out of both?) focused on zetsu sneering at him. Why was it sneering? But then again it made sense. They were enemies. Why wouldn't it be sneering? Obito was pulled from his musings by zetsu disappearing in a swirl and a young female voice calling out to him.

"Obito-san! Kakashi-sensei!" Kakashi? And Sensei? It seemed so absurd, but not? "Are you both okay?"

"We're fine, Sakura." The man behind him, Kakashi answered his student's question. Right Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto, Kakashi's students.

"Oh bullshit, Sensei. Let me see your shoulder." Sakura commanded and Kakashi obeyed. When had Obito turned around? After a few moments of the girl healing her teacher, she pulled her hands back and laid them in her lap."Be more careful Sensei, please." Her tone came out pleading.

"Of course. I'm sorry, Sakura."He took a moment then looked up into Obito's eyes. Obito found himself getting lost in twin inky black eyes. Where was his sharingan? Right, Madara stole it. That didn't make sense. Before Obito could yet again get lost in his gradually worsening thoughts, Kakashi spoke up again." And thank you, Obito."

Before he could even process that sentence he was already speaking."Of course Love, I have a lot to make up for after all, don't I?" Love? Right, they loved each other. Why wouldn't he call him Love? Kakashi stood up and pressed a soft, masked kiss on his lips before giving him a small eye smile.


Obito woke up with the ghost of Kakashi's kiss on his lips. Whatever that dream was, it certainly gave him something to think about. And if it came down to it, Kakashi might be able to give him the answer he is looking for. Plus it wouldn't hurt anyone if he stole a quick glance at what he had left in this world. Kakashi apparently had students, and Obito was definitely interested


"So what do your papers say?" Naruto broke the silence that had fallen over the three of them after Kakashi-Sensei had left.

"I don't know Naruto, maybe let us read it first?"

"Right, sorry Sasuke."


Looking down at his paper, Naruto found a small list of items and a small envelope at the bottom.

"Well," Sakura's voice drew his attention away from the swimming letters on the paper." I think Kakashi-Sensei wants us to buy these things."

"Hn. He even left money for it."

"Wait really?" Naruto ripped the envelope open and there it was, a few paper bills left by Kakashi.

"Be careful, Naruto!"Sakura's warning came only a moment later.

"I think it's best if one of us holds all the money.... I vote Sakura." Sasuke's bored tone drew the other two's attention.

"Right. Good idea, Sasuke!"Naruto was already handing the money to their pink-haired teammate before she could refuse.

"Hn."Sasuke handed his notes over to the girl as well.

"Well then, "Sakura's hesitance was noticeable in her voice, but she didn't argue." Let's go and grab the supplies, Sensei wants." She said and started walking before the boys flanked her on two sides.


Being so close to Konoha was unnerving. It's been years since he was last so deep in the city. The only time he was ever tempted was when he couldn't find Kakashi on a mission for over a month. It turned out Kakashi got injured badly enough to be tied to a bed for a week. In the end, Kakashi was back on a mission before Obito could decide on going to him. Now there was no way Kakashi would leave the village long enough to catch and have a conversation with. Not to mention the three genin, so Obito came to find him. His dream was confusing, to say the least. He still remembered it, which was not normal even for him. It was more of a memory.

Kakashi was difficult to find. He wasn't at the memorial stone like Obito suspected, nor at his flat. He wandered about, hidden tightly under a genjutsu. Time passed, and still, no sign of Kakashi, when he felt eyes on his back. Subtly checking on his surroundings, he found three children staring at him. One, so clearly an Uchiha, the second's vibrant pink hair he recognised from his dream and the last was a perfect mixture of his Sensei and the man's wife. The girl, Sakura nodded towards an empty alley. The three walked in there clearly wanting him to follow. So he did. Obito didn't know why, but it felt right, somehow. Like he could trust these brats with his life if it came down to it.

"Sensei's in a meeting, Obito-san." He didn't know what he was expecting, but that was not it. Sakura sounded so confident he had a hard time believing this girl was barely twelve.

"How did you recognise me?" Was the question he went with. Obito didn't know why but it, again, just felt right.

"We have our ways, Obito-san." Sasuke sounded a lot calmer than he'd expected.

"If you want to speak to Kakashi-Sensei you'll have to wait, Obito-san." It was starting to get on his nerves, how these kids used his name so casually. The only one who called him that in years was zetsu, but it wasn't even human.

"Well, Naruto'' he didn't even get a weird look for knowing the boy's name." I don't have the time to wait for Kakashi to grace me with his presence."

"What if," Sakura took a moment for dramatics before continuing. "You come with us to a training ground and we'll answer your questions, which I'm sure you're dying to get answered."

That was tempting, but incredibly risky at the same time. A training ground was hardly private, even this alley was pushing it. Then again where else would he get answers? Even if it meant relying on three kids and a Jonin with questionable sanity, this was his best bet.

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