Cooking Fever

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Shubbles POV:
"Hey does anyone here know how to cook? I've tried once or twice before but both times it tasted pretty wierd." Lizzie said rubbing her stomach. "Well does anyone here have any allergies before we decide what to cook? We wanna make sure we pick something everyone can eat!" Katherine said. "Well I'm allergic to chocolate!" "Makes sense, I mean you are a literal cat. Also I'm allergic to vegetables so we can't have those!" Jimmy stated. "No you're not you've eaten plenty of vegetables! You just don't like them!" Grian said rolling his eyes. "Ok fine... I'm not allergic to vegetables... Just no brocolli! That stuff tastes wierd!" "No promises." Katherine said with a giggle.

"Well lets start by opening up the fridge here and seeing what we have..." I said running over to the fridge and yanking it open. "We have chicken, brocolli, and carrots in here but we also have some potatoes in this cupboard! I can't reach it though i'm a bit too short." "Oh, no problem! If you need something from up high just ask me or Jim to grab it for you." Grian said flying up to it to grab tbe potatoes before placing them on the ground. "Thanks Grian! Now that we have all this how about we get started. Shubble you work on chopping the carrots, Lizzie after shes done you and her are gonne steam the vegetables and make them taste delicous, Grian and Jimmy your gonna help us by grabbing stuff we cant reach when we need it, Owen and Scott you peel the potatoes and then mash them, and I will work on the chicken." Katherine said.

Grians POV:
My and Jimmy started to work on giving everyone the stuff they needed and honestly everything went pretty smoothly for the first couple minutes.

I decided I should check and see how the potato peeling was going since Owen and Scott  were doing it at the table to not be in the way of other people. "So how your progress so far guys?" I chirped. "None. We have no progress because we have never used a potato peeler so we don't know how to use it..." "Oh! It's pretty easy i'll show you just give me a second to grab a bag for the parts you peel off." I walked over to where the bags were and grabbed two. When I came back however, I saw Owen holding his hand crying and Scott trying to comfort him. "Oh my god what happened I left for like 10 seconds?" I said dropping the bags and zipping over. "I-I cut m-my *sniff* finger on- on the *sniff* potato peeler!" Owen said through his tears. "Show me your hands little llama man." I said in the most soothing voice I could. Owen held out his hands and instead of there being a big cut like I was expecting, it was just a little cut on his index finger the size of a paper-cut. I rolled my eyes and Scott just nodded at me as if to say "he's really sensitive" "Okay Owen I'm gonna go and grab you a bandage, do you want orange or blue?" "Blue please!" "Okay I'll be right back, Scott keep him distracted please." Scott nodded and I went and grabbed an orange bandage from the cupboard before picking up the bags I dropped earlier so nobody would trip on them. Thankfully when I came back Scott had calmed Owen down and he had stopped crying. "Hey buddy I'm back! Show me you finger and I will put this orange bandaid on. Look it matches your outfit!" I placed the bandaid on Owens finger and he perked right up. "Okay now I'm gonna teach you how to use a potato peeler so listen up and be careful because as Owen has just demonstrated, they are sharp objects."

Thankfully we got through the rest of making dinner without any more mishaps (except for when Lizzie decided to stick her hand in the vegetable pot to figure out how hot it was. Luckily she didn't get burned as it was still heating up but it was still hot enough that Lizzie refuses to go near the pot for the rest of night and instead opted to  just cheer us all on) so it went great.

When we finally got to eat we gobbled every last crumb of food as apperently combined we make absolutely amazing chefs! Also surprisingly there was no fur in the food so Yay!
Sorry for the short chapter and long wait I have had a lot of stuff going on but I am back I promise I won't leave you again TwT

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