Pranks, Trauma, and Apologies

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As a heads up there's gonna some violence in this one but it's not to bad. Also I'm sorry in advance

Grian's POV:
I waited patiently at the bus stop with Jimmy and Shrub. My bag felt pretty heavy but so was Grian as we had all our tools we needed for our revenge on that Katherine girl, she was going to be humiliated in-front of so many people like she did to Shrub! I watched as the bright yellow bus turned the corner and came to a halt in-front of us. "Names?" Said the gruff voice of the old man driving bus. " Oh come on, I ride the bus everyday how do you not know my name?" Shrub asked with a sigh. "It's the rules so I have to ask that, but who are these two avians?" "Oh, they are my cousins Bird br- I mean Grian and Jimmy. They should be on your list as they are gonna be coming to school with me for the next couple months." The bus driver looked over the list in his hand until he found our  names and let us on board. Shrub was pretty nervous on the bus so me and Jimmy helped her calm down a bit by giving her my favourite stress ball that I bring with me everywhere I go for emergency situations just like this one.

I could feel Shrub tense up as the bus turned the corner and I immediately knew that this was that monsters stop. I signalled to Jimmy that it was time and then reached into my backpack to grab a large bottle full of muddy mangrove water, some bright pink paint, and a container full of plastic feathers. I quickly and silently mixed the mud and paint together to create a smelly, sticky, bright pink liquid and then grabbed the feathers and opened the lid before setting them beside me. I got a good look at the girl as she tuned the corner, she was much taller then our short Shrub and looked pretty strong, she looked pretty much identical to what Shrub had described to us. I told Jimmy to start recording, this is gonna be fun.

Katherines POV:
I nervously walked onto the bus and looked around to see Shubble and an avian boy with parrot wings who I assumed was the cousin she told me- I mean MonsterSlayer_KE about, but didn't she say she had more than one cousin? Suddenly I saw a flash of red wings and then a felt a bucket of some sort of weird, hot pink,  smelly liquid land on me. I screamed in surprise as I slipped on the liquid and heard the sound of laughter around me from who I can only assume was the avian and shubble. Someone handed me a wipe so I wiped off my eyes and saw Shubble giggling and a canary avian recording me whilst trying to stifle his laughter but he failed miserably.  The avian that was staring at me when I got on the bus had a smirk on his face "What's wrong? Are you taking a bath? Well this isn't the time for that!" I wanted to cry. I knew I deserved this but I wouldn't cry. I tried to punch the parrot avian but he dodged it easily.  "It seems you still haven't learned! Well I guess I should add something else to the pile!" He laughed loudly as he threw a bunch of plastic feathers onto me which stuck to me because of the foul smelling stuff that he poured on me earlier. The yellow Canary was still recording me and Shubble looked at me and laughed. I was still on the ground when I felt a kick to my side and winced. "This is what you get for hurting my cousin!" The avian yelled. I looked at Shubble and desperately wanted to apologize but before I could get the chance, Shubble kicked me in the stomach and I lurched forward in pain. I heard laughter from everywhere and I knew I deserved it. I knew that everyone hated me because I had always been so mean to everyone.

I stood up off the ground but the weird liquid had already stained my clothing and skin. I trudged to the back of the bus and saw people still recording me so I just sat down in a seat in silence. When it was time to get off the school bus I made my way to my locker and I have no idea how but almost the whole school had seen the videos and the photos so my locker was spray painted with all kinds of words on it. I turned around when I heard foot steps and got immediately hit in the face with a banana peel. I ran as quickly as I could to the bathroom stalls before anyone else could see me. But I knew that pretty soon everyone would see the videos and the photos... I deserve this for everything I've done to her and all the people here. I started to cry out loud but luckily nobody came into the bathroom and I was all alone.

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