Smajor AL

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Shrubs POV:
Scott seems like a pretty chill guy and I can tell that Jimmy definitely has a bit of a crush. Owen on the other hand is a pain in the butt! He loves to annoy mainly me and he's unfortunately really good at it! He also spit on me at one point and even though it's probably because he's part llama, I feel like he did it on purpose.

"Hey guys, how about we spend some time out in the mangrove forest before we head in? It could be good to get fresh air and maybe Scott can teach me how to do magic!" "There's a really cool aura all around this mangrove, it's a color that I can't even name because I don't think anyone has ever seen it before... it's... beautiful and mysterious all at the same time... Owen go back to the house quickly and grab enough SmajorAL for all of us." Scott said staring at the swamp in awe. "On it" Owen said running back to the house excitedly. "What's a SmajorAL?" Jimmy said curiously. "It's a device I made to see auras just like my eye. They are kind of like a pocket sized device that you simply look through and it shows auras that are around you! They don't work as well as my eye but they are just a prototype and I'm working on improving them." Scott said as Owen was digging through some boxes on the front yard.

When Owen came back he was holding 6 pocket sized devices that looked like half of an inventors goggles. It was  really colorful and in the shape of a circle.  There was a weird liquid being held by some sort of invisible wall in the center of the object that sparkled when I held it up to the sunlight.
"Hey Scott how does this thing work?" Jimmy said from behind me. "Watch Owen put it on, he was my test llama when I was making it and he seems to be normal compared to how he usually is so it's probably safe." Scott said quickly.

Owen placed the SmajorAL gently over his eye. After he seemed to find a comfortable spot he said the words; "SmajorAL, activate." As soon as he said those words a whizzing sound started to come from the device. A second part to the lens unfolded itself from the other lens and placed itself perfectly over Owens other eye. A band shot out of the side of one of the lenses and wrapped around his head so well it looked like he had gotten them custom fitted. "Scanning brainwaves... scan complete. Customize device." As the SmajorAL said that the device changed Color and literally customized itself to fit Owens personality perfectly! It had llama ears and was his favorite shade of orange, it also had a spit emoji and on one side of the band it said "Rats Smp" which I assumed was just a show he watched. On the other side of the band though there was a picture of what looked like Owen If he was a rat which just confused me more but I won't question it because everything about this kid confused me.

The rest of us copied Owen and I'm not gonna lie we looked so cool! Mine had some dark blue wolf ears and small mushrooms on the top of it and the band was a similar shade of blue as the ears. The googles turned purple and green with some pink tulips on them!

Lizzie's had a calico cat pattern with a light pink band that also had some axolotls on it. The cat ears of course were on top of it with some whiskers on the side. The curious part about Lizzie's was the dark blue axolotl gills and feeler things on it. I guess she just really likes axolotls?

Katherines was half pink and half black, the pink side had a princess crown and looked very elegant and formal. Even the band on the pink side had a golden pattern etched into it. On the black side there was a Thron pattern on the band and a sword on the goggles. A zombie head, skeleton head, and  creeper head were on the bottom part of the dark side of the goggles.

Jimmies had a dark green band with a slime pattern on it and cod swimming on it. The goggles themself were old timey and reminded me of the Wild West! There was a sherrif badge on it and some tumble weed in the corner of it along with some barrels. I also noticed that in the bottom corner of it, it had a small, barely visible purple eye.

Grian's was a light shade of purple and had those same purple eyes on them. His parrot wings were on the side of the goggles and a peculiar moustache on the bottom of the goggles showed. On one side of the band two robotic eyes could be seen along with the same moustache on the front. On the other side of the band the words "Mumbo" and "SCAR NO!" Was written all over.

"Look at all you guys, looking so fashionble! Now before you ask all the designs are holograms of things that the SmajorAL (or S.A.L) can detect about you from your brain waves. There are a couple commands that you use though before we go. The first one is the one you all just used; S.A.L Activate. It activates the device. You also don't have to say SmajorAL all the time and can just say S.A.L. The second command hides the customizations and is S.A.L Hide. To bring back the decor say the same thing but instead of hide say show. To make it so you can see every thing normally say S.A.L off and the on after. You can also transform into any animal and it automatically adjusts to the perfect size. To return it back to pocket size say S.A.L deactivate. Lemme repeat that so you all understand;
You always have to say S.A.L before any of these commands.
Activate: activating it.
Deactivate: Deactivating it.
Hide: turns off the customization hologram.
Show: turns on the customization hologram.
Off: turns off the part that detects aura and makes you see everything normally.
On: turns on the aura detector.
Oreo: It gives you Oreo cookies.
Soda: it gives you any kind of soda you want.
(Owen made me add the last two)" Scott said as if he was one of those employees who worked at a place where they had to say the rules of the game like 50 times to the point where they will still remember every word of it 70 years from now. "There are also a couple hidden features but they aren't important for right now!"

Lizzie's POV
After about 10 minutes of all of us practicing using the device we managed to find a couple cool things. The first one was that there was an option on wether or not you wanted the cookie part of the Oreo! Owen found out there was a water gun and sprayed me in the face with it which weirdly caused my fur to go blue (I was in cat form) I didn't really care though bc I was busy trying to bite him as revenge. After I finished chasing him I noticed that my fur had dried and the blue was gone. I guess it was just a trick of the light.

I heard a shriek and turned just in time to see Owen start chasing Shubble around with the water gun. Eventually Shubble slipped on her own two feet and fell right into the mud causing a big laugh from Owen who took the time to spray her in the face with some extra water after she got up. "Ugh I'm gonna kill that kid! I really liked this outfit and now I'm covered in mud! Why do I always fall in mud! I couldn't just fall in the grass next to it!" Shubble said with an exasperated sigh. "You live in a mangrove swamp, what do you expect?" Grian said rolling his eyes causing the short mud covered girl to glare at him. "Hey Shubble, can you do me a favour and say the command wipeout?" "Uh sure. S.A.L Wipeout." Suddenly the whizzing sound started again and a small hatch in the side of the S.A.L opened revealing an equally small drone that scanned Shubble. After it scanned he, it projected a blue light that circled around Shubble and within two seconds you would never tell she fell in the mud had you not seen it.

"Okay this thing is absolutely insane. How did you make it!" Grian said excitedly! "Well it used a fair amount of red stone and" "never mind" "oh... uh okay." Scott said confused!

"Okay are we all ready to explore the forest?" "Yeah!" We all said at once. "Okay then then around and say S.A.L on!" And as soon as we did the most beautful thing I had ever seen was right infront of us, invisible to anyone else that didn't have these goggles.
Hello sorry for the wait! I thought I published this new chapter already but I don't think I remembered to click the button to publish it after I wrote it 😭
Anyways sorry for the wait I know this chapter is shorter than usual and took a while to write but I was struggling to come up with something to write! Luckily I know exactly what to write now and I will hopefully never forget to click the publish button again 🥲
Words: 1535

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