New kids on the block!

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Jimmys POV:
I woke up at around 8:30 pm whilst everyone else was still asleep in dreamland. The sun was staring at me through the blinds so I shifted under the blankets so the sun wasn't in my eyes. After that didn't work I decided to finally get up and check on how the two lovebirds were doing. I stretched my arms and leg out a big yawn before tiptoeing over to Shubble's room and what I saw was absolutely adorable! Katherine was holding Shubble while Shubble was all snuggled up to Katherine without a care in the world. I quickly tiptoed back to our room and promptly woke up both Lizzie and Grian.

Grian woke up quiet easily as he's used to me waking me up in the mornings. However it turns out, you don't mess with a sleeping Lizzie. Lizzie was in cat form sleeping on her cat tree but the moment I tapped on her shoulder, she bolted up, hit me in the face, and then ran under a desk before I could even say ow. "Ow Lizzie what the heck?" "Oh my god Jimmy don't do that! You spooked me so badly! Sorry about hitting you and running but it's just instinct to attack and then run when woken up suddenly!" Lizzie said walking out from under the table and turning back to human form. "Sorry that was my bad but keep your voices down, I need to show you both something that you absolutely need to see!"

Lizzie's POV:
I swear if Jimmy wakes me up again I'm gonna do more than just swat at his face! I wonder what Canary tastes like... probably like chicken. I really wanna eat some chicken.

I suddenly walked straight into a parrot wing  after losing focus and forgetting where i was. Luckily the owner of the wing turned around and caught me before I hit the floor. "Lizzie watch were you're going! You would have woken Shubble and Katherine up if you fell and made a big noise?!" Grian whisper shouted at me. "Wow thanks for checking to see if I was okay." I hissed back at him to which he responded to by rolling his eyes.

We continued walking until we reached Shubble's room. "Shhh, don't make any noise. Look" Jimmy said pointing inside the room. Me and Grian poked our heads in to see Katherine and Shubble cuddling and it was adorable! "Awww!" me and Grian said at the same time. "You know, you guys aren't as quiet as you think." Katherine said opening one eye to look at us. "Yeah you guys make so much noise!" Shubble added giggling with a big smile on her face. "Okay but you guys don't realize how adorable you look together! It's a match made in heaven! Plus it's all because of us three." Grian said proudly pointing at himself, me, and Jimmy. Me and Jimmy nodded while Shubble was extremely flustered as she remembered last nights events. Taking this opportunity, Katherine gave Shubble a quick kiss on the lips and Shubble looked both extremely Happy and disbelieving of what had just happened. Come on Swamp witch, let's get into our new outfits!" Katherine said excitedly. "W-wait Katherine, I n-need to tell you something if we are gonna be dating." Shubble's ears turned bright red as she said the word dating. "Hmm? What's up little witch?" "I'm asexual... it means that I don't want to be in a sexual relationship..." shubble said looking down at the floor. "That's okay!" "Wait, really?" "Yeah!" Katherine said giving her a big hug.

The adorable moment was broken by the load honk of a truck across the street. The five of us ran to the window to see what had made such a loud noise at such an early time in the morning. Two big white moving vans were parked at the house across the street.

Jimmys POV:
A dark blue van pulled up on the side of the street grabbing our attention. Watched as two adults, a man and a woman came out of the car Follower by two boys. The first one looked to be about our age, with light blue hair and a really cool colourful, patchwork jackets topped with a rainbow fedora. He had on a white shirt underneath his coat and black pants on with brown boots. Even from afar I could tell he was pretty cute-

"Hey I was wondering who had bought the house across the street! It's been kinda lonely since since that house is the only other house around here for at least half a hour. Come on let's go say hi!" Shubble said enthusiastically. "Okay! But we should probably get into our clothes first considering you guys got distracted by eachother before you could get changed. Also me, Grian, and Lizzie need to get changed as-well." I said not wanting to greet our new neighbour's wearing pyjamas.

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