Chapter Ten

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The halls of Blaise Keep were quiet as a convent during its vow of silence. In this repose, Anastasía traversed, cognizant of the stillness which was so because the sun had just risen. Most if not all the vampires who worked behind those walls were either slumbering or tucked away in their quarters as a result.

Not all vampires slept during the day though, but most conditioned themselves to do so due to tradition within the vampiric world. Those who weren't asleep during daylight were often the ones who did not adapt to the notion that they were strictly nocturnal. They were the ones who tried their hardest to keep a sort of connection to their humanity. The other servants whom Ana noticed were humans and they worked alongside their vampire counterparts.

Most people would find it strange or even deny that some vampires and humans lived together in synchronicity but those who were exposed to that life knew otherwise. For centuries the two lived beside each other, helping one another and the symbiotic relationship of the servants in the blackened halls was proof. In exchange for wealth and fortune and even the promise of indefinite youth and longevity, they served the noble vampires and did so without enmity.

Ana's footsteps echoed throughout the corridor as she made for her chamber. As she ventured her mind was split between fixating on when she'd feed next and stuck on the memories of the past two days. The woman found herself floating on a cloud made entirely of ecstasy and this resurgence in gaiety and hopefulness could be blamed on the splendid time she had with the siblings. The time they spent last evening and the one prior was simple but enjoyable. Emese had opened up somewhat, allowing her to know more about herself and Tamas, and although she was apprehensive still, it was something the vampire never thought she'd live to see.

As the night progressed and she interacted with them, as promised Emese started teaching her Emerian phrases that she practised on Tamas. It was delightful watching the siblings laugh at her attempts at pronouncing the words she was taught. Anastasía had never smiled as much in her life as she did then. The way her heart hummed, beating to a rhythm it had never felt before was not only enjoyable but frightening.

When it was her turn to teach Emese some older I'dunic phrases, the vampire laughed just as heartily at the mistakes she made. The brunette wasn't as tolerant of being on the receiving end and Anastasía found it even more amusing that she couldn't take a joke.

Shortly after the siblings would've ended supper, Ana having chosen to not eat anything for she was frightened it would invoke her blood lust, she and the brunette stayed back at the table as they did the night before. Again they spoke of a myriad of things: some adventures Ana would've had when she was younger, places she visited, who she knew, likewise for Emese. She shared extensively what life was like in Emera for them and how she worked as a woodcarver's apprentice as a teen only to branch off to something utterly different after moving to Obscure. She even added memories of their parents and what they were like to the vampire who listened empathetically and attentively.

Close to midnight their talk inevitably came to an end with Emese once again asking the vampire for her name which the mystifying figure feigned the inability to understand her question. Anastasía loved the mystery that loomed over them and was willing to see how much longer they'd operate in that manner of not knowing who she truly was.

Their night officially ended with Emese casually insinuating that the vampire was more than welcome to come back when she was ready, which did not come as a surprise to Anastasía for she'd caught on quite early that the woman didn't deem her a threat and so she would be allowed some prerogatives.

Morning came quickly thereafter but as promised, before leaving, Anastasía bid the siblings farewell. She didn't particularly know when she'd be back and wasn't able to share that information but she gave them her word that she would visit them in the near future. And just as she'd left the last time on foot, she made her way through the wood, sighing a breath of relief when she was no longer near the agonizingly rich scent that wafted from the siblings, particularly the older sister.

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