Prologue - A New Threat

Start from the beginning

"Well you best lately sucks as always" Raphael scoffed.

"Oh and I suppose you're any better than him, Raph?" Donnie rolls his eyes.

"Of course I am, realistically anyone is better than Mikey" Raphael stated.

"Raphael, do refrain from speaking about your brothers like that" Splinter firmly scolded Raphael.

"What? It's true" Raphael shrugged, ignoring Mikey looking hurt and mad at him.

"At least he doesn't lose his temper over trivial things" Leonardo crossed his arms.

"You take that back," Raphael demanded.

"What? It's true" Leo shrugged mockingly at Raph.

"You take that back or I'll-!" Raphael warned, getting close to Leo hostilely.

"You'll what? Beat me up? Go ahead and try" Leonardo dared Raph.

"How do I know you won't cut my head off like you did with Shredder?" Raphael growled.

"Hey that's not very nice," Mikey pointed out.

"Butt out, Mikey" Both Leo and Raph snapped at Mikey.

"Children, come on! This is getting us nowhere" Donnie groaned.

"Well it's not like you magically make things better, Don," Leo sighed.

"Ah hello! Smartest turtle in the world here?!" Donnie exaggerated. "I can fix things faster than anyone of you could"

The other three look at Donnie unimpressed as Mikey said:

"Do you really want us to entertain you with that answer, Don?"

"Oh you three can go straight to hell!" Donnie snapped, feeling offended.

"Enough!" Splinter loudly groaned and bang his cane on the floor: "Sit down, all of you"

"Thanks a lot Leo" Raphael grumbled.

"Shut up" Leo hissed.

As the four turtles sit down in their usual kneeling position, the humanoid rat addresses them:

"My sons, lately I've been sensing that you are distressed over some things and you've been bickering and arguing more frequently with each other. Now I haven't got the fullest idea on why that is but I want to know from you all...What is going on with you? Tell me why you're acting the way you are, you know I can help you boys with anything, right?"

"Hai sensei" The turtles nodded.

Each of them looked at one another unsure if they want to be honest with their feelings since they feel like maybe the others won't understand and some of the thoughts may be trivial or nonsense.

Splinter sat down beside his sons and said: "Go ahead my sons, I am listening"

But before any of them could speak, Donnie's T-Phone went off as the others groaned out.

"Donnie, we said to have our T-Phones on silent during training and such" Leo reprimanded Donnie.

"I know, I forgot, sorry" Donnie apologised as he got it out and saw that it was April ringing him to which he answers:

"Hey A-April, a little busy here but how can I help you?"

"Seriously? You had to take the call?" Raphael rolls his eyes.

Donnie hushes Raph and listens in to the call as he looked confused and concern on what April was saying before he said to the others:

"April wants us to turn on the news"

"Why?" Mikey quizzed.

Without answering Mikey, Donnie got up and headed for the living quarters with the others following him; when Donnie turned on the news, they saw the breaking update that shows a strange mutated man with blue skin floating above a skyscraper with news cameras floating around him.

He looked like a neon looking sorcerer with black leather cape and dark clothing around.

"Greetings, people of New York city, I am Apex and I have come to take over your city...this city is full of despair, monsters, crime, and misery...I tend to remove those from your city for a price...All you must do is give me full control and power to your city and in my rule, I shall give you a city free of corruption, mutated creatures, crime-waves and everything you lot fear and lack the courage to stand but if you deny me these then I shall destroy your city piece by piece until the corruption is destroyed altogether"

"Oh great! Another mutant who wants to rule the world for personal gains...Haven't seen that before" Raphael sarcastically grumbled.

"You have until midnight to give into my demands and just in case you think I'm buffering" The evil mutated sorcerer sneered.

He soon had glowing red hands and fires a meteor-like ball at a building which exploded, destroying everyone inside; the sewers rumble within the explosion as the family can feel that the enemy was near above them at the surface.

"Choose wisely" Apex warned and with that, the screen went to static.

Donnie turns off the TV as Splinter said: "We'll talk about our issues but right now, we got a mutant to stop"

"Hai sensei" The turtles agreed and geared up with their father.

"Donatello, the retro-mutagen" Splinter pointed out.

"One step ahead of you, sir" Donnie nodded and put a few vials of retro-mutagen in his tech belt.

The family got together in the Shellraiser and quickly headed to save the city from an evil mutated tyrant once more.

It will be a tough race against time but they'll pull it through together...hopefully, the turtles thought to themselves.

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