Chapter 15

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Stella's pov
"We can't get through. I see a protection spell." Luca said.
I just laughed. Then I charged straight through the protection spell.
"You are full of surprises, amorino." Luca said.
I giggled at the sound of that name. It is what Alvar calls me.
" This way, It is where Alvar found me when Jasper got me last time." I said.
"He took you once already? Well, we don't have to worry about him getting to you now" he said, as we ran
I was running so fast I ran right into Alvar.
"STELLA!!! I just felt something it is hard to exp.... LUCA!!" Alvar said,as Luca appeared behind me.
"You run fast,Stella. Nice to know your name." he said smiling.
"What is going on?" Alvar asked ,as Luca hugged him.
"We will fill you in, but we have to go. Our mate here did something that will really piss off the vampire queen." Luca said.
"We will go to her father's." Alvar said.
"Who is he?" Luca asked.
" Marco Lupa, the King." Alvar said.
Luca started laughing "Oh I bet father loved that." he said, as we ran to the castle.
We got to the castle. I opened the gate,and ran to the doors.
" I have become tired of being kidnapped." I yelled as Alvar open the door.
Marco and Alice came running
" Stella!!!" Marco said, as he hugged me.
" I need an explanation now, please"Alvar said impatiently.
" Luca!" Marco and Alice said, as they looked up, shocked.
"Yeah, let's go to the meeting room" I said.
We got to the meeting room and sat down.
"First, how did Jasper take you?" Marco asked.
"He stabbed me with a needle full of wolfsbane"I said.
"How are you alive? How did I not know?" Alvar asked impatiently.
"Turns out you can only forcefully take a mate if they're real mate is alive," Luca said.
"When Mom found Dad, Grandma saw an oracle. She saw me being born. Then she asked Oracle whom I mated to. She gave her their names. She made a law. That all wolves found in the vampire woods are to be shown to her before being killed. Jasper said she used some mixture of yellow moon dust, and healing water to hide Luca." I said.
"How did you not know my name? Did she not tell you?" I asked Luca.
"She didn't allow anyone to talk about why I was there, or anything else. She was busy and wanted to tell me herself. Then when you became alpha, I also did too. It made me pass out for months. The pain from that and what they did. It got to me. When I woke up, I was brought to Stella." Luca said.
"Nobody told me anything, but let's go see your mate. Then she called me Alvar. That's when I realized everyone probably thought I'd died."Luca said.
"She definitely is very powerful. I couldn't have escaped without her." Luca continued.
"Did he kiss you agian?" Alvar asked.
"No," I said looking at him.
"He kissed her before I got to. He was her fist kiss." Alvar said.
"WHAT!!" Luca screamed.
"Calm down he didn't get much of a chance this time," I said.
"When he uncovered Luca, I thought it was Alvar. He was beaten up badly.Alvar had only recently just told me about Luca, and that he was dead. But then Jasper told me it wasn't Alvar. So I knew it was Luca. Anima got really mad. Somehow she took over. Jasper thought I wouldn't be able to channel Ani. Then I took the Chi out of Jasper, and the two other vampires there. When I was done, it all left me in a cloud of red fog. It went from my mouth to Luca's healing his wounds. I didn't have to kiss" I said, looking at Alvar.
"We quickly left and went to where Alvar found me last time" I said.
" I know this is a lot for everyone. Alvar if you want you both can stay here. We won't tell anyone she's back just yet. So y'all can have a long time before everyone finds out. It won't be long. You will only have tonight. We will have the castle emptied." Alice said.
"I don..."Marco started to say.
"Hush,Marco" Alice interrupted.
"We would appreciate that." Alvar said.
Marco got up and left.
"Thanks Mom."I said hugging her.
Then Alvar, Luca, and I went up stairs go my room. When we got to the room, I felt the tension between us all.
"Alvar probably already knows, but how is Jasper your first kiss?" Luca said, without hesitation.
"Well.. I was sent to a place called Earth by my parents. They were afraid for my life. They didn't expect me to come back, because the planet had no magic. But I came back. I was never interested in any guy there. so I never experienced anything with a guy. He knew it would piss off Alvar that he was my first kiss. I only didn't kiss Alvar by the lake, because I was afraid I would be bad at it" I said ,shyly looking at Alvar.
"Have you kissed her?" Luca asked Alvar.
"Yes," Alvar said smiling.
Then all of a sudden, Luca pushes me against the wall, his lips smash into mine. I tried not to, but I started taking his Chi. Alvar grabbed Luca away.
" I was going to say she can't quite control that," Alvar said.
"That felt like ecstasy. I don't like that, that's how Jasper felt when he died." Luca said.
I started laughing.
"You both really are alike." I said looking at Alvar.
"You know, practice makes perfect, amorino."Luca said.
"Besides, I don't think you want to kill us. So I believe you can stop yourself" Lucas continued.
I started think.
"I think I wanna try." I said.
" I will, but only if you let us mark you. I don't want to take any more chances." Alvar said.
    I didn't say anything, I just kissed Alvar. As I kissed Alvar Luca came up behind me, putting his hands around my waist, right above where Alvar's were. I took a little Chi from Alvar and Luca let out a moan. When Luca came up behind me Alvar stopped kissing me. Then they both bit the side of my neck marking me. It felt amazing, I felt a lot stronger. As they marked me, I felt the mate tattoo form around my arm. I guess I didn't have to bite them. Before I could look at it, they let go. Then Luca turned me around and kissed me. Then Alvar threw me on the bed.

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