Helluva Caregiver

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-just like little Loona, you aren't allowed to go on missions while your little.
-He tends to be over protective and baby proofed all things
-wanna watch my little pony? He'll be there to watch
-He encourages getting outside and going places with you

-She will cuddle you randomly and carry you places.
-She makes art out of your food before she gives it to you
-Redecorates your room to keep you entertained
-Store scavenger hunts, stay in the same isle as her though

-the amount of nicknames he can com up with is surprising
-He never leaves your side when you're sick.
-Halloween is his favorite thing to do with you, or decorating for any holiday.
-You give him a dress, he'll put it on to amuse you.

-If your an older little she takes you to the park, if your baby baby, she puts you on one of those weird water mats with glitter and stuff.
-Baking! She babygates the oven, even when cooking.
-She brings you to work with her but keeps you in a playpen or on her lap
-She likes to prank you sometimes

-he let's you color on his feathers to make him tie-dye
-trampoline parks! He wants you to...fly?
-money money money! He spoils the hell outta you
-He may tend to be little too, that gets crazy when your both small.

-if have no clue, she may take you to see the stars?
-keeps you AWAY from Stella.
-Watches anime with you depending on what it is
-Brings cats home to let you play with.

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