Smile my dear

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Request by S203324

Alastor POV:  "stupid, stupid angel-" I say while walking back to my room, however I hear something. Crying, and it was coming from Vaggies room. I go over to her door and knock, I hear more crying and no response, for whatever reason I get worried and decided to chek on her. I open the door and see something I never thought I'd see. "Vaggie are you......okay?" I ask once I see her laying on her bed crying into a cat pillow. She was wearing black, shorts overalls , a My Melody Tshirt and knee length socks.  "Uhm Vaggie are you okay?" "Alastor?" She mumbles to me. "Yes I do believe that I'm Alastor. Are you okay?" "Depends..." She says sitting up and wiping her eyes "will you play with me?" A bit taken aback I ask what she means. "Play with me, cha isn't here and I don't wanna be alone." Reluctantly I accept and go sit with her. "On one condition." She looks at me curiously with her head tilted like a puppy. "What is it?" I smile, "stop your crying and smile my dear! Remember as I always," in unison we say, "you're never fully dressed without one!" She giggles an uses he fingers to pull her face and make a smile. "Smiley! Now come play!" I nod and go sit with her. We start to play with two toys that Vaggie requested we play with. A stuffed bunny and stuffed giraffe. I hummed a bit and used my demon powers to play some music to go in the background of our stuffie show as Vaggie put it. We made the toys dance and do dumb voices that made Vaggie giggle. "Vaggie, how old are you?" I ask, genuinely confused on why she's acting this way. "Oh....hmmmmm. 6! Size years old!" I nod but stay confused, but end up laughing at her next sentences. "Sigh....I'm so old. Six is way too old.... Alastor....if I'm old an I'm 6, you're ancient!" I freeze after laughing, I realized what she said. "You little rat! I am not that old!" "Old, Old old man." "I think you need a nap, yes, a nap. Nap time for you." "No! I am not four! I'm a big girl!" After around 10 minutes of protest I convinced Vaggie she needed a nap. I laid her down and played some music. Calming, music. "Good night Vaggie." "Night night Alastor." However, as fate would have it Charlie walks in and Vaggie spings up and runs to her. "Mommy! Mommy! Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Lookie, Alastor and I played and he put me down for a nap after I said no!" "I did play with her yes, and did put her down for a nap, but only becaise she was acting.... rudely." Charlie laughs and picks Vaggie up. "Well either way, thank you for watching my little girl. I know it may seem strange but it makes her feel better." I smile, nod and walk out the door to go back to work.

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