Brave Blitzo

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Stolas POV: Today is going to be terrible. I have to take Blitzy to get his shots today. The day started out great, he woke up we had breakfast and now he is playing in his playroom. I go in and Blitzo runs up to me. "Dada! Dada! Guess what I did! " "I don't know blitz what did you do?" "Guess!" "Oh alright, you painted a picture?" "Nuh uh, I cleaned up my stuffies!" "Oh what a good boy!" I say looking at the put away stuffies. I then held onto him and picked him up, I carried him away and he was confused. "What- where are we going?" I sigh and break the news,  "Blitzy, I need to take you to the doctors office for....shots."
He instantly starts crying and tries to kick at me. I change  how I'm holding him so he can't kick. I use a teleportation spell and we're in the waiting room. We get called back imeadently and I sit Blitzo on the table. He looks like he wants to cry but he doesn't. The doctor comes in and we get the initial part of the checkup done. "Alrighty, time for the pokey things buddy." The nurse says as she walks in and sits the tray down, the doctor leaves and Blitzo sits up straight and calm. "Someone's a brave boy, everyone else your age screams and cries. Now, hold still okay Blitzo?" The nurse asks, I watch them  and smile seeing as Blitzy is well behaved. The nurse does both shots and he only flinched once! I get up and hug him, "good job my brave little Blitzo!"

This was requested by @Hell0mmissesnezbi0t

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