I don't need it!

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Alastor POV: It had been about 10 minutes or more going back and forth with Angel about wearing a diaper to bed. "Angel you need it, you keep having accidents." Meanwhile I'm trying to explain to him, he's screaming and crying. "But I'm good I don't need it! I'm not even little!" "Yes but you usually wake up little and somehow slip in the middle of the night." "Not my fault! I still don't need it!" "Quit screaming at me. Wear it tonight and if it's dry tomorrow then you don't have to wear it again." I finally got to him with the deal. He was still hesitant about it though. "There we go all done." "Can ya get my shorts, you threw them onto the floor." "Nope, you're wearing a hoodie already, you'll be fine." I knew I should've given Angel his shorts back but I wanted to see the little demon faces and skulls on him. "Pleeeeeeaaasseee?" "Quit asking Angel, now take Nuggs and go to sleep." I handed him Nuggs and pulled the blanket onto him.

Angel POV: Al left after he kissed me goodnight (forehead) and I sat up and started talking to Nuggets. "Can you believe him Nuggies. A fuckin diaper, I'm not a baby. I really don't need this but just to be safe. I'm staying up all night. I'm also going to take this off and put it on in the morning." I thought I had a great plan, so I leaned over and grabbed my underwear off the floor to put back on. It felt so much nicer to have them on instead. So I threw the diaper on the floor and stayed up... Until around 3:45 then I passed out.

Alastor POV: This idiot... He really thought he'd get away with this? Angels sheets were wet to. "Idiot, why did he think to do this?" I grabbed the diaper and changed him back into it. I then grabbed an oversized T-shirt and put it on him as well, he woke up right after I put the shirt on him. "A-alastor?! What are you doing!" I simply picked him up and set him on the floor. He grabbed my pants leg with all four hands. "Al what are you doing!" He had tears in the corner of his eyes looking up at me. "Cleaning up the mess you made after you put your underwear back on." I pulled his hands off me and went to grab his Paci to quiet his crying. "Hush, please just let me clean up." He fell on the floor and cried. " 'm sowwy I be good!" He repeated that a few more times before I sighed and picked him up. "Shh, I know you're a good Angel you just made a mistake." "No mad?" "A little bit my darling but now I just need you go play so I can clean up okay?" He nodded and I sat him down on his playmat at the other side of the room. I then stripped his bed of the sheets and threw them on the floor. I added the new ones that were softer and put a new blanket on just to be safe. I then went to go play with my Angel and his little pig.

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