"Ha- I knew there wasn't an actual after party" he says happily before turning around to walk into the kitchen area.

Only then do I take in what he looked like right now with his hair slightly ruffled and the suit gone. The white shirt now without a tie and rolled up sleeves with a few buttons left open.

I choke on the water and start coughing up hysterically as he runs up to me in worry.

I finally calm down and look in front of me to see him kneeling down with a worried face.

"You're bleeding" he says and I quickly place a tissue on my nose.

"It happens to the best of us" I try to lighten the mood when I see him not replying.

"Dubois" I shake him. "Hey, it's fine. I'm fine"

God he really is scared of blood.

"Louis, I'm not dying...well not yet at least" I chuckle at my own joke and he finally gets up with a frown.

"You really shouldn't joke about this" he says and I laugh with a small shake of my head.

"Yes sir" I find myself saying before I can stop and inwardly shout at myself.

"Are you hungry?" He asks and I'm about to say no before he interrupts. "Amazing, I made coq au vin" He smiles disappearing before coming out with plates in hand.

I was never one to hide my talents but cooking, unfortunately, was one of those things I just couldn't do. Whether it was making a simple scrambled egg or attempting to cook a steak. I had always found myself coming short in the kitchen.

It wasn't that I didn't enjoy the idea of cooking - I just couldn't seem to get it right. And so, I often found myself eating out or ordering in. It was all I have ever had time for anyway.

Dubois on the other hand, he has a talent that was as rare as my lack of it - he can cook. He actually seems to love his cooking.

He places a plate in front of me and I look at it's presentation. He didn't just cook, he created.

It smelled both delicious and foreign. Louis returns with what looked like- "mashed potatoes?" I ask and he nods, taking a seat in front of me.

"It soaks up the wine sauce" he tells me with a smile.

Another thing that baffles me about him. He always has a smile reaching his eyes even if he tells me the stupidest of things with utmost confidence.

He waits for me to taste it and I do, closing my eyes as a burst of rich, savory flavor hits my mouth and a smile makes its way to my face.  "This is amazing" I tell him and he buts his lip with a smile before he takes a bite.

"Where is everyone, by the way?" I finally ask and he shrugs.

"No idea, it was already a slow night but Rafe just left suddenly"

"So, Maya," he said slowly, trying to strike up a conversation."Tell me about yourself. What do you like to do?"

I get caught off guard. I wasn't used to people taking an interest in me, unless it was for some stupid for two minute interview. But there was something about the way he asked that seemed genuine curiosity.

"I don't really do much," I admit, taking a bite. "Work takes up most of my time."

He nods, not looking too convinced. "But what do you like to do? Outside of work, I mean."

I think about it for a moment before shaking my head. "Not much, really. I like to read, and watch movies. But that's about it."

Dubois Frowns. "That's not true. I've seen you carry a small sketchbook everywhere. You draw, don't you?"

There is no way he actually notices that.

"It's not really anything special." I sigh with a shrug. "I like art but not my own, I prefer to stay with the money side of it"

Dubois suddenly leans forward in his chair, his eyes lighting up. "Maya, everything you do is special. You just have to believe in yourself."

It was a simple thing to say, but it somehow sticked out to me.

I had grown up in a household where my talents were overlooked and I had learned to keep them to myself.

Growing up seeing my dad treat me like nothing because all he wanted was someone to look after his business and of course a girl wouldn't do that. So I naturally kept trying to prove myself and keep the useless talents to myself.

And so, the meal continues, this time with me asking Dubois about his life, his passions, and his dreams. And for the first time in a long time, I found actually listening to someone in whole and not having to pretend.

Louis Dubois' POV:

I found myself talking and talking which I know I do a lot, but this time without worrying about the fact I'm being judged.

It's not that I don't think she's judging me, it's just that even if I am being judged, I'm happy knowing the fact that it's at least by someone pretty.

Maybe we do have something going on...


And that's it for the first chapter of the month!!! Can't believe we've made it this far already.

ALSO, late news but MY BOOK IS LITERALLY MENTIONED IN THE API BOOK LIST BY WATTPAD???!! I thought it was a joke at first but seeing it all over their social media really had me gasping. The book literally went from 1.5k to 8k reads in the blink of an eye.

Of course this couldn't have happened without you all.. so thank you all for the support you continue to give me. I'm beyond great full and happy.

Let me know who you'd like to read about in the next chapter and hope to see y'all back here next week!

If you want to post anything on TikTok or wherever about be my valentine? please tag me:

Justabrownie.e on Instagram and TikTok
Justabrownie_e on Twitter

Follow my socials to get more sneak peaks of future projects and chapters!

Here are some questions for you to answer like always Xx



YOUR CURRENT READS (physical or wattpad books) <<

And finally, question of the week: WHAT IS OR WAS YOUR MOST ANTICIPATED READ OF 2023? <<<

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