2. Love Is In The Air...Literally.

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"Believe me mate," I replied smugly as Niall ran towards us wearing a red blazer and tan chinos.

"Hey everyone!" He exclaimed, out of breath. "Em tried to follow me, I had to get Ash to drop me off."

"But the most important thing is that you're here, so let's get on this balloon ride," I said with a smile as we walked towards the building.

Getting off of the ground was pretty easy, but it was pretty windy when we got really high, making the hot air balloon waver from side to side. Niall looked pretty worried for a moment so I placed my hand on his to comfort him. Niall diverted his stare from the faraway ground to my face. He blushed and looked away. I guess that made nothing better. An idea popped into my head as I tapped the lad's shoulder.

"Hey Niall, let's do one of those videos together,"I suggested.

"Oh yeah! I haven't made a video since uh...I came out to the world." He pulled out his phone and pressed the record button.

"Hey Horaniacs! I'm about 150 feet above the ground in a hot balloon! Let me start with saying, thank you, you all are amazing. When I went to class, most of the people applauded and congratulated me, and honestly I thought I was gonna cry from happiness on the spot. Thank you for the fans who didn't leave and sent me supportive messages. Moving on from that, a lot of you know that I've passed out on Liam Payne of One Direction, who I've been obsessing over since 2008, when he tried to surprise me." He stops talking as I laugh loudly. "Can I continue?"

"Ooh, sassy much? Go ahead then, Princess." He gasped dramatically.

"I am not a princess!"

"You're the size of a one, you've been carried like a one, and you have the sass of one, so now you're a princess. Princess Niall of Horania. And Princess Harry of the Styles is your best friend."

"Hey!" I heard Harry call in the background. "I'm not a princess either!"

"You're both pretty pink princesses. Now continue!"

"Before I was rudely interrupted, after I passed out, Liam took me to his hotel and watched over me until I was awake, which was really sweet. I embarrassed myself talking to both Harry and him at first, but then I got comfortable and we've been in contact since. Isn't that right Li?"

"Right! He really embarrassed himself! He told us that we -"

"That we'll be doing truth or dares in about ten minutes, so ask away on Twitter!" He pressed the stop button and punched my arm as I chuckled.

We ate sandwiches and strawberries and viewed at the beautiful scenery of the sunset as Niall's phone vibrated constantly until he put it on silent mode. He gave one of those adorable smiles and continued looking at the sun. My heart began to beat rapidly when I looked at our now intertwined hands. Why is my heart beating fast? Am I having a heart attack? Are we up too high and we're running out of oxygen?

You're falling in love, idiot.

My head snapped up and I looked around. Who said that?

I did.

Harmony? I gave her a look. She nodded slowly and pointed at her forehead.

I didn't want to make a scene dragging you over here. Now believe me or not, but you're falling for Niall. Your health is perfectly fine.

How do you know that? And who gave you permission to enter people's minds?

I don't need permission to enter your mind. And you just admitted that you're in love with Niall.

No I did not! What proof do you have right now, to prove that I said that.

You said, and I quote, 'How do you know that?' I'm not stupid Liam.

You know I was talking about my health!

Sureee you were.

My argument with Harmony was cut short as Niall poked my cheek. "Li, it's time for the thing."

We started recording with my phone as Niall pulled out his to read the questions and dares. "Alright, let's get this started. Niall, do you have a boyfriend? Not yet."

"Liam, how are you and Danielle?" My eyes widened. I can't tell the fans I somewhat cheated! Would it be considered cheating if I came from a different time like the future?

"Uh, we're broken up now. It was a mutual decision."

"You didn't tell me this."

"I honestly forgot about it. Next question. Liam, what were you going to say before Niall cut you off?"

"What?! Liam don't you dare!" Niall protested, blushing.

"He thought that it was dream and that he was gonna wake up sexually frustrated," I said with a wink. Niall punched my arm again and glared at me.

And everything went smoothly. We answered many truth questions and some went for Harry too. Harmony wasn't visible on camera so that wasn't a problem. I was dared to try and stuff ten strawberries into my mouth, try to spell my full name backwards, and some other crazy stuff. Now we are looking at the moon and the darkening sky. Niall has his head on my shoulder, silent.

"Hey oh! We are set for landing in ten minutes!" The pilot said. "Please do not stand up or move around during this period."

"Did you hear that Nialler?" I told the blond, nudging him lightly. He didn't respond or even move. "Niall?"

I tilted his head slightly. No wonder he didn't reply, he was asleep. I chuckled quietly and placed his head onto my lap. I looked at my watch. Wow. We've been gone for three hours! It really didn't feel like it.

His phone rang. He stirred slightly, then went back to sleep. I chose to answer his phone instead.

"Hey blondie I'll be pulling up in five minutes!"

"My name's Liam and I don't have blond hair," I replied. I hear someone squeal loudly, hurting my ears, and someone beeping their horn before the line is disconnected. Hehe, oops. Niall stirred again and woke up. "Have a nice nap?"

"Yeah, you are a very nice pillow," He mumbled, wiping his eyes and sitting up. "Are we on the ground yet?"

"We've just about landed son," I heard the pilot say. "You folks are all set. Come back you here?"

"Yeah, thank you very much sir," I spoke, handing him a twenty. We exit the facility and head for the parking lot. A bright orange car is standing not too far from us with its lights on.

"Hey that's Ashton right there, I'll see you guys later," Niall stated, walking away from us.

"Bye Niall," We reply. He suddenly turned around when he was halfway across and walked back to us.

"Thanks Liam. I had fun," He whispered before kissing my cheek and walking away from us again. I slowly lifted my hand to my cheek and left it there as Niall got into the car and left. Why do I feel so weird, like butterflies are in my stomach? Am I in lov-No Liam! You love Sophia! Not Niall!

Seems like you're beginning to realize.

Shut up.

And that's a wrap!

For The Extremely Important Author's Note,

I've noticed that I haven't heard much from you all, at all. Like I want to see what you think about this story so far and what you'd like to see happen. Thank you for almost 1.5k reads and 100+ votes! I love you all so much!

For My Pokémon Fans,

I'm a huge Pokémon fan. For eleven years I've been playing the games. I know all 700+ Pokémon by picture and yeah, love it. It's my favorite thing besides One Direction. And I haven't seen any One Direction and Pokémon crossovers. And I'm thinking about making one myself. What do you all think? Do you think I should make it? Would you or do you know anyone who would read it? Feedback would be appreciated!

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