Mr. Baldo hates fudge crackers

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  Fifth period. Uggghhhh. Math. What's the point of learning math? We already know how to count, so everything else is a waste of time. Mr Waldo, ( his name cracks me up all the time ), just drones on and on about letters. Aren't letters in writing? This is math so now we're doing English? What is this, multi-subject time? This is why I don't understand school.

  "So," Mr. Waldo stated, "Does anyone know what the answer is to the equation on the board?"

  I raised my hand for the answer because I knew what it was this time. You know what he did? He ignored my precious hand. Hello? Jeez this guy isn't just bald, he's blind too. I start jumping up and down in my seat because that answer is MINE. Or the coke still fizzing in my stomach.

 Mr. Waldo sighs."I am guessing you think you know the answer Tyler?" I nodded and George chirped. Sure, NOW he acts like an actual bird instead of his sarcastic, evil side.

 "So what is the answer?" he asks sarcastically.

 "Fudge crackers!"

  "Fudge crackers?" I nodded excitedly. Come on, who doesn't like crackers with FUDGE on it?  Especially when doing something really boring like math, it's a good distraction. With its deliciously good salty and chocolatey mix... mmmmmm. Mr. Waldo looks disgusted.

 "That is the most disgusting thing I have ever heard of," How offensive. I LOVE fudge crackers and thinks he can just dis them in front of me? Oh HELL no. I stand up from my desk and flare my hand around furiously for his attention.

  "Mr.- ! Ummm Mr.--!," what was his name again? Oh! Right."Mr. Baldo!" The room became fits of laughter of how true that name was to him.. Mr. Baldo looked even more red. But in the bad way. He looked like one of those cartoon characters who were so mad, they had smoke coming out of their ears and their faces were tomatoes.

 "WHAT did you just call me?" he asked venomously. 

  "Umm Mr. Baldo?" He looks at me evilly - kinda like when George does when I eat his bird food.       "Oh come on, man! It's true! Don't tell me you haven't looked in the mirror and saw your head. It looks like a WAXED bowling ball. On top of that, Mr. Bald- I mean Waldo, but you are kinda loosing your senses. You know, like your sight and stuff. I mean, who WOULDN'T see my hand?" 

 He looked like he was about to explode. Oh well, might as well keep on going from here.

 "And by the way, fudge crackers are AWESOME. I swear sometimes, the older you get, the crappier you become."


 Sweeeet! Class is over!

  "Later Baldo!" I scream before skipping merrily out the door.

  "Skip! Skip. Skip! Skip. Ski-" I was inturupted by Ally's screeching in my ear.

  "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO IN MATH?!?!?!?! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TROUBLE YOU COULD GET YOUR ASS IN?" Yep. All of that right in my ear. I think I've gone deaf. Wait a minute, how did Ally know what I did in math? Oh yeah! She's in my class.

  'Well duh you idiot!' my inner concious told me.

  'Oh shut up Bobby! You just jealous.' I told him. That's right. His name is Bobby. I didn't even name him that.

  'What? I am NOT jealous!' he cried.

  'Sure. You keep on telling yourself that.'

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