CHAPTER 66 (Bonus p8)

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His heat came sooner than anticipated.

After what felt like only a few hours of sleep, Xiao Zhan was woken by the waves of heat within his body.

Fortunately, the amount of pheromone he needed early on was relatively low, so he could just barely endure it. He glanced at the door of his bedroom and, good, the door was open. So he laid back to wait for a certain someone to take the bait.

After waiting for about ten minutes, he suddenly heard a burst of rapid footsteps coming from the living room.

"ShaoYan, you......are you......" Wang Yibo's breath was unsteady, as he panted roughly out in the darkness.

Xiao Zhan didn't make a sound, closing his eyes and pretending to be asleep. He furrowed his brow, putting on an expression as if he were suffering in his dreams.

Wang Yibo approached the head of the bed and turned on the lamp. The scent of the pheromones entering his nose grew even richer and his heart slammed in his chest. He raised his hand, wanting to smooth out his omega's brow, but suddenly recalled Xiao Zhan 's touching ban and didn't dare to set a finger on him.

"Mmm......" Xiao Zhan let out a moan as if talking in his sleep, filling it with a flavor of lazy seduction, then parted his lips a bit, gasping softly, and licked at his lips unconsciously.

Wang Yibo swallowed heavily.

"ShaoYan......wake up......" Motivated by self-preservation, he decided to wake him up first, saying, "Are you all right? Let me take a look at you......"

Xiao Zhan opened his eyes a bit in a daze of confusion, "Huh? What's wrong......"

"You seem to be in heat. I'm sorry, I actually forgot...... What should we do now?" He'd been snubbed for so long that he'd completely forgotten about this kind of thing. He hadn't made any preparations, but the most troublesome thing was that Xiao Zhan wasn't allowing him to touch him anymore......

Xiao Zhan finally "woke up" and said with a disgruntled expression, "What to do? Don't you fuck me, stay far away from me," so he said with his mouth, but his body released more and more pheromone.

Wang Yibo panted even more heavily, the heat flowing straight to his groin. It was strange – in the past, at the start of his heat, his level of self-control was never this low. But today, the sweet scent seemed especially seductive......

In the end, he was very worried about Xiao Zhan 's health, so he had no choice but to plead, "We can continue this after heat, okay? Wait for your heat to end and then you can punish me for a whole month. Your body can't endure this."

Xiao Zhan had originally been about to give in and agree, but when he heard this last sentence, he refused to admit defeat.

I can't endure it? Then we'll let you see who can't endure it first.

"No way," he said strictly, "You just stay over there, you aren't allowed to touch me."

Wang Yibo was terribly worried, but there was nothing he could do, so he had no choice but to obey the order and sat on the sofa beside the bed. He continued to try to persuade him, "You'll hurt your body enduring it like this. Believe me, I definitely won't renege on the remaining days of the punishment."

But Xiao Zhan turned a deaf ear to him. As Wang Yibo had said, he really didn't have the energy to utter a single word.

The scent of omega pheromones was too strong.

The door was clearly open, but the scent seemed to invade every bit of the air, each inhale and exhale. So dense that the seductive scent made him incredibly stimulated, as if he'd been locked in a fiery sauna, unable to stop the heat breaking out over Wang Yibo's body from head to toe. Sweat broke out over his forehead and gradually converged into beads of sweat, dripping down to his chin.

"ShaoYan......I......" Just as he opened his mouth, he discovered that his throat had gone hoarse, dry as if it had been burned. His consciousness gradually became muddy and unclear.

Xiao Zhan himself was very uncomfortable. Wang Yibo's pheromone responded to his own at almost double strength, so the overflowing alpha pheromone was also stimulating him twice over.

In other words, at this moment he was also experiencing a heat twice as strong as usual.

Both parties were suffering1.

What kind of trash medicine is this, Xiao Zhan almost exploded from rage, wanting to immediately rush to the address of the manufacturing company on the bottle to smash them to pieces.

But instead, right now he could only lie limply on the bed, completely powerless. He folded his legs and curled up in a ball, to keep Wang Yibo from seeing how much he wanted him.

"ShaoYan......" Wang Yibo called out again. Seeing that there was no response from the man on the bed, he really couldn't help himself. Filled with desire, he pressed a hand to his cock and went to jerk himself off.

When Xiao Zhan heard the sound of fabric rubbing against itself, he turned his head to look, just in time to catch sight of Wang Yibo slipping his hand into his pants.

"What the fuck, you......"

Wang Yibo had been so soaked in pheromone that his mind had gone fuzzy. His eyes gave off a deep blaze of lust as he stared at him. He pushed his pajama pants down a bit more, exposing the tip of his massive cock, beginning to stroke himself right in front of his eyes.

"......have you no shame......" Xiao Zhan said this, but he couldn't shift his eyes away, his gaze seeming to penetrate into those troublesome pajama pants.

Wang Yibo fisted his rigid cock and gently shook it at him, "It wants to go in......"

This was definitely not something that Wang Yibo would ever do when clear-headed.

Xiao Zhan gulped down his mouthful of drool, unexpectedly thinking that him acting with such a discrepancy like this sometimes was actually pretty charming and sexy.

But the state the two of them were in right now was really not very good. He was afraid if they started anything at all, he'd be burned to a crisp.

"Seeing you so pitiful like this, I'll show you mercy and reluctantly agree......but," he added out of worry, "you can't go too far......"

When Wang Yibo heard this, he got up from the sofa and crawled up onto the bed. He propped himself up with his strong arms on either side of Xiao Zhan 's head, trapping him in the shadow of his tall figure. His powerful, oppressive aura was different than the one he usually carried and the green in his eyes shone brightly.

"I might......not be able to do that."

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