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It was less than a week before the founding day celebration and each department had entered the final stage of rehearsals. The prop group basically had nothing left to do. Xiao Zhan occasionally went to the rehearsal hall to watch his classmates rehearse, but he spent most of his free time on the basketball court and in the dorm.

Over the past two days, Wang Yibo had been able to go back to class. Xiao Zhan had wanted to send him off and pick him up. After all, it wasn't convenient to carry a cane, but Wang Yibo was incredibly stubborn. He would sneakily wake up early and bathe while he was still asleep and would sneak past him and return to the dorm secretly at night. Then he'd text and say he didn't need to be picked up and taken back to the dorm, not giving Xiao Zhan a chance to take care of him at all.

Xiao Zhan got annoyed but there was also nothing he could do.

The two of them would meet each other by surprise occasionally. He used to often see him at school, but now they could only speak briefly in the dorm. Wang Yibo never mentioned teaching him how to dance and Xiao Zhan didn't ask. But, he didn't go to other people to practice. Even if it was humiliating and made him lose face, he wouldn't care.

And so it continued until the day before the school founding anniversary.

That night, after watching the last department rehearsal, Xiao Zhan returned to the dorm after 9pm. As soon as he opened the door, he discovered that Wang Yibo was also in the room, sitting at the desk and reading a book.

When he saw him return, he said with a smile, "Xuezhang, you're back. Would you like me to teach you how to dance?"

Xiao Zhan blinked, and then let out a snort, "Oh, so you finally remembered?"

His words were full of scorn, but his heart was slightly warm.

These past few days, he'd basically given up on the possibility of Wang Yibo taking the initiative. Mentally, he'd been planning to wait until after the dance and then he would've pulled the silly dog into the dorm and threatened him into marking himself.

I've now achieved my goal without losing my dignity, perfect.

Now that this silly dog was willing to fight for him, let's see what his first move would be.

Wang Yibo got up, still a little unstable from using the cane. His tall figure slowly approached Xiao Zhan and then he bowed his head slightly, opening his arms, "Xuezhang, hold my shoulders."

Expressionless, Xiao Zhan stepped forward, only to find that Wang Yibo 's shoulders were very broad and that heat was seeping from his clothes. However, he thought that his own palms were a little hot already.

"Xuezhang, I'm going to hold your waist, sorry," Wang Yibo got closer, whispering in his ear. He quickly put an arm on his waist, gently squeezing tight, until their chests were nearly pressed together.

Xiao Zhan suddenly found he was having difficulty breathing.

He recalled that time when he fell down the stairs, how Wang Yibo had hugged him so hard that the force had nearly snapped his waist, as if to pull him into his own body. It had happened so suddenly that he hadn't been able to get a complete impression. But now, in this calm, quiet environment, every breath and heartbeat were amplified, even the vibrations from speaking were transmitted from one chest to the other through their clothes.

He found that both his heart rate and Wang Yibo 's were abnormally fast.

He didn't know what kind of expression he was showing while held in Wang Yibo 's arms. Pressed against his strong chest, he could only see Wang Yibo 's red ears if he looked up.

"I-I'll hold your hand now, Xuezhang ..."

Xiao Zhan took the initiative to reach out and take the stuttering Wang Yibo 's hand, "Like this?"


Wang Yibo took a deep breath, then loosened the too-intimate embrace a bit. Face flushing red, he said, "Then, I'll start teaching. Xuezhang, pay attention......"

Wang Yibo moved carefully and nervously, guiding him to sway back and forth and left to right.

Xiao Zhan didn't remember a single move.

Wang Yibo 's breath brushed lightly against his cheek, absent of any alpha scent, but still inexplicably reassuring. Every step Xiao Zhan took was like a step on a cloud and his heart floated along with him.

After he stepped on Wang Yibo 's foot yet again, Wang Yibo couldn't help but let out a hiss and Xiao Zhan immediately snapped out of it, letting go of his hand.

"That's it for today. Anyway, it's too late to learn now."

If they danced like that again, he was afraid that he would ask Wang Yibo to mark himself in less than a second.

That would be even more humiliating than his dance skills.

Wang Yibo 's arms suddenly became empty. He was silent for a moment before calmly saying, "Okay, Xuezhang, go to sleep. Tomorrow will be tiring." He paused and added the sentence, "Have fun with Zou-xuezhang."

Xiao Zhan 's expression sank immediately. He went into the bathroom without a word, shut the door, and rubbed his face with cold water.

You definitely said you wouldn't give up hope, so don't give up on yourself so soon, silly dog.

Sure enough, tomorrow, after the dance, they'd have a talk.

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