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Xiao Zhan added an extra set of tableware to the table. He Yan acted like they were old friends, not strangers1. Catching a fragrance as soon as he entered the door, he called out into the kitchen, "It smells so good, what did you make?"

"Sauteed sliced pork with black mushrooms," Xiao Zhan said, "I didn't know you'd come so early, so I didn't prepare much food."

He Yan took off his coat and hung it on the dining chair. He loosened his tie casually, "No problem, I'll just eat a little. I was originally supposed to fly back the day after tomorrow. But there was a last-minute problem with the company here, so I came back early. I tried calling A-Yibo a few times, but there wasn't an answer, so I had to just drop in unannounced."

Wang Yibo came into the room just then carrying his phone, so he said when he heard those words, "My phone's been charging in the other room this whole time. I just saw the missed calls. I'm sorry, Ge."

Seeing that his cousin had returned to his usual appearance, He Yan laughed, "Sorry for what? I'm the one disturbing you. You two young men can just ignore me. I'll stay for three days, but I won't affect your romantic couple's environment2."

Wang Yibo was suddenly embarrassed, "Ge, don't say something like that......"

Xiao Zhan came out of the kitchen carrying the last dish and heard his words, saying, "Ge can stay for a few days, it's no trouble."

Of course, these words were just him being courteous, but He Yan didn't catch that. "Zhan is very sensible, unlike our family's A-Yibo , who wouldn't say such polite words like an adult, really foolish."

"The foolish one is indeed foolish, but he's very clever, so he isn't likely to be abducted."

He Yan saw that he responded naturally and willingly3, free and at ease, magnanimously, without any shyness at all, and felt more and more like they had a natural affinity, "Zhan , how old are you?"

"Twenty one."

"No wonder you're more mature than A-Yibo ! I'm just three years older than you, so just treat me like your own GeGe, no need to use such polite address."

Wang Yibo , who was sitting off to the side, suddenly opened his mouth, "I'm just two years younger than Xuezhang. Also, I'm not that immature......" His words grew softer and softer as he spoke, because he saw Xiao Zhan was shooting him a meaningful glance.

"You still dare to talk back. Who was it who fought someone just earlier today?" Xiao Zhan , who himself treated fights as everyday occurrences, lectured him without either a blush or a racing heart.

Wang Yibo lowered his head and silently stirred up the rice in his bowl. He looked a bit aggrieved, but after eating a bite of food, he couldn't keep from smiling, "The food made by Xuezhang is really delicious." With that smile, the wound at the corner of his mouth was stretched and he let out a small hiss of pain.

Xiao Zhan put his chopsticks down on his bowl, "Look how foolish, I'll give you some medicine later."

He Yan was already curious about Wang Yibo 's injury and took the opportunity to voice his puzzlement. Xiao Zhan described the whole matter in a few succinct sentences. He didn't want He Yan to accidentally find out about their grudges towards Zou Rui, to avoid ruining the good impression he'd just created and making his biaoge think his intentions of getting together with a certain someone were improper and unclear, causing Wang Yibo to become injured.

After dinner, He Yan took the initiative to handle washing the dishes, so Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo went to tidy up the guest room.

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