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When Wang Yibo arrived at the venue, the dance had already been going on for a while. He didn't know what Xiao Zhan 's last sentence earlier had meant, so all he could do was come obediently to find him.

He walked around the hall and the outdoor area a few times, but he didn't catch sight of Xiao Zhan at all.

Hasn't Xuezhang arrived yet? Or......did he leave with Zou Rui?

It was a bit cool for an autumn night, the autumn breeze rustling the fallen leaves. Wang Yibo 's dim brown-green eyes drifted into the distance, unfocused. He didn't know where to go or what to do. There were pairs of lovers around him, walking past him while holding each other.

"Wang Yibo !"

Suddenly hearing someone calling his name, Wang Yibo turned around and took a look. It was Xu Qian.

He was familiar with most of Xiao Zhan 's classmates, so he immediately shouted back, "Hey! Xueji1!"

Xu Qian had a good opinion of this little xuedi. She knew that he liked Xiao Zhan , so when he came over, she laughed and said, "Come to ask your xuezhang to dance? Why didn't you change into a suit?"

Wang Yibo was still wearing casual clothes and he scratched his scalp in embarrassment, "It doesn't matter, I'm not Xuezhang's dance partner, I just came to meet him......"

Xu Qian then remembered that Xiao Zhan was attending the dance tonight with Zou Rui. It was still causing a lot of heated discussions in the school forum. The two appeared to really be dating.

"Ah......I'm sorry." She tried to think of some way to cheer the little xuedi up. "Then......want to dance with me? My dance partner is my best friend anyway, so it's no big deal."

Wang Yibo gave her a wry smile, "Thanks, xuejie, but I......I still want to dance with Xuezhang."

Xu Qian didn't have the heart to strike him down, so she said tactfully, "Zhan , he......might not have any time for a while. Since you're here, let's have some fun."

Wang Yibo shook his head, corner of his mouth hooking up. "I know Xuezhang probably won't dance with me tonight and maybe never in the future......but nevertheless, I still only want to dance with him, I'm really sorry......"

Xu Qian's heart clenched as she listened, what kind of amazing unique A is this? Why don't I have a chance? Am I inferior to that fierce, violent Xiao Zhan ??

"Don't worry, I understand...... Then why did you come here looking for him?"

"Xuezhang said he would give me a surprise." Wang Yibo 's eyes lit up, full of anticipation, "Maybe it's a gift for me. Xuezhang has been very good to me recently."

Xu Qian was surprised, "Really? How so?"

"He bought me breakfast and asked me to teach him how to dance. He stayed in the dorm every day to keep me company, probably because I protected him last time." Wang Yibo paused and his smile gradually faded. "Xuejie, aren't I really despicable? Exploiting Xuezhang's sympathetic feelings...... I should refuse, but I......I really can't decline."

Listening to this made Xu Qian feel incredibly distressed. She comforted him, "Don't worry about that kind of thing. If you like someone, you have to fight for them!"

"Mhm," Wang Yibo responded in a low voice and, lost in thought, his gaze fell on the distant hall. "Maybe I can also fight tonight......but if Xuezhang gets a partner, I won't bother him anymore."

Xu Qian couldn't help but ask, "Wang Yibo , what do you like about Zhan ......?"

As his friend, she understood Xiao Zhan 's bad temper thoroughly. Although he wasn't intrinsically bad in nature and was also a very loyal friend, his partner would be subjected to that behavior as the target. She feared that few people would be able to stand it, not to mention that he was an omega. The alpha nature included a desire to conquer, a desire to control, and a desire to be superior. Who would look for such an unruly omega to be their mate? She was afraid he wouldn't find a partner and would find himself suffering. A person like Wang Yibo not only liking him, but also being so infatuated with him, he'd probably never find another in the entire world.

Short Story of XiaoWangWhere stories live. Discover now