chapter nineteen: neveah meets the new teacher

Start from the beginning

Turner hums with a nod, "Alright. Does anybody understands the significance of Harper's name in regards to the author of To Kill a Mockingbird?" Maya gasps.

"Harper's first name is Charle's Twain." Maya states proudly. Neveah shakes her head at the girl.

"Honey, no. Her first name comes from the author of the book." Neveah explains, Maya ahs.

Turner turns to Cory, "You doing a bang up job on her Matthews." Cory shakes his head.

"Look, she was told by the Principal not to teach us something but she did anyways. That's gotta mean something." Maya tells Turner.

"Psst. Will you stop helping us?" Cory asks the blonde, Maya tilts her head and nods.

"Yeah, it means something." Tuner tells the class. "Now, may I see what you've learned? Because that's what means everything."

"Farkle goes first. Farkle always go first." Farkle stands up from his seat, Neveah smiles up at her boyfriend.

Turner raises a brow and walks over to him. "Stuart Minkus' kid?" Turner guesses and looks at Cory.

"Yeah." Cory nods his head.

"Super genius?"

"Out of space."

"Real human?" Cory sucks in a breath with a small smile.

"We're not sure yet."

Turner looks Farkle up and down then points to his seat. "Sit down." Farkle obeys him as Lucas stands up.

"I'll make the presentation." He announces.

"You like this teacher?" Turner asks the Texan boy.

"I like both of these teachers." Lucas admits.

"So you're familiar with the material?" Turner gestures to the comic book.

"Me? I've never saw this thing before in my life." Lucas lies, walking up to him before walking back. "Yeah, I read it. I actually read it a lot." Jake laughs at his boyfriend.

"Thanks for telling the truth." Turner says.

"Yeah, I can't help myself." Lucas shamefully looks down at his desk, Jake rubs his back from behind causing him to smile.

"No, I prefer someone who is unfamiliar with the material." Turner looks around the room with his hands in his pockets.

"Someone who is notoriously unteachable..." He stops in front of Maya's desk and places his hand on it.

Maya plays with her hair not noticing before looking up at him with a confused face. "How ya doing?" Turner straightens back up and gestures for her to come forward.

Maya moves to get up with Neveah and Riley mimicking her in unison but was stopped by Cory. "Not you, two." He tells Neveah and Riley who looped their arms with Maya's.

"I only looked at the pictures." Maya admits.

"Neveah and I took turns reading the pages." Riley happily says as Neveah hums in agreement.

"While putting good job stickers all on my arms to keep her engaged." Neveah finishes, Riley nods her head. Cory turns to Harper and opens his arms towards the three girls,

"It's a trio." The three girls did little jazz hands and smile at Harper.

"I hope you learned something girls." Harper tells them.

"We learn something all the time," Riley vouches for her and Neveah.

"I come here because my apartment leaks." Maya says with fake enthusiasm. Neveah frowns and squeezes her hand.

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