𝟐𝟓 | 𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥

Start from the beginning

"What do you think the worst deed our father has done, is?" I throw the bud of my cigarette down, imitating Andrés actions as I stamp the flame out with my shoe.

As I make my way around to the passenger's side, Andrés mutters. "I'm sure he's done worse things than abusing his own children and forcing such a life upon us."

Entirely, he isn't wrong. Most likely no one in our family actually knows what our father gets up to, nonetheless what he has done in his past.

As the engine comes to life, my brother speeding us away from the crime scene, an awkward tension fills the car as I observe Andrés in thought."Your engagement party is tomorrow."

I'm thrown into a fit of shock as my brain comprehends what atrocious words have spewed out of his mouth, and I snap my head towards him whilst he shoots me a quick glance from the side of his eye.

"Absolutely fucking not." I shake my head, not even even coming to terms with how an engagement party, without my knowledge or consent, has been planned.

"Papá has already made the plans and arrangements. He's even got you a dress, something about you not coming off as such a," Andrés pauses, quickly sneaking a look at me almost like he wants to see if I'm calm or not, then finishes his sentence, "puta." (Translation - Spanish. "Whore.")

"He can fuck himself with that very dress." I mutter, my eyes rolling back to my head as I rest my head onto the window, my vision fading into darkness as sleep overtakes my body.

"You're not making a fool out of yourself or out of this family!" My father shouts, like always, as he sees me step down the stairs in a black, lacy dress accompanied with black heels. In truth, the dress barely shows any cleavage yet my papá will always make it his life mission to insult me.

My mission was to dress like I'm arriving to a funeral, one which Ives successfully accomplished.

"Too bad that you're not the one in charge of my decisions. Shouldn't have wasted your money on such an awful dress." My body brushes past Amidio's side and I pat his shoulder, his body tenses despite me only touching him for just a few milliseconds.

"You'll pay for your disobedience, Adrianna." My father shouts at me, his voice laced with pure anger as I ignore him and continue walking towards the main door so I can leave this place faster.

My phone vibrates, the motion making me rolls my eyes as I check my phone out of annoyance seeing who even bothers to message me on such a god damn awful day.

you look beautiful, angel

I stop in my steps, my eyebrows furrowing as I read the message. Immediately, the nickname gives away the freak behind the phone and I want to slam his head with the very phone.

However, my first worry is not understanding how Volkov even knows what I look like right now, increasing my curiosities of if he's a stalker or not. Considering wherever I am, he weirdly makes an appearance.

Most often, it consists of him getting too close to my personal space and me allowing him, or, the most recent one, him shooting people in cold blood.

fuck yourself backwards

Instantly, a reply is sent by him and I almost begin to believe he truly does nothing else apart from revolving his life around me.

I can fuck you

My eyes splurge out of my sockets, the crude message instantly making my thumb move to the block button and pressing it.

After our recent encounter, one which I opened up to him in and now feel insanely odd, I've decided to put my ultimate effort into ignoring the man. One thing I never have done in the past is letting someone see a small glimpse into my past, and I don't wish to start now.

"You ready?" Andrés appears from the kitchen, clad in a black suit, and I nod in response. What humours me the most is the pure fact that I don't even know who on earth is meant to be there besides myself, my brother and Lorenzo.

Despite my father making all of these plans, he's yet to enlighten me on what the fuck he's done. I mean, surely it's common sense to let the people know what's in store, however it doesn't seem to surprise me that I'm left in the dark again.

Sometimes I wonder why he even chose me, despite actually knowing the reason. Truthfully, my father wasn't that old to even consider retirement, so clearly he must have fucked up.

And what I've learned through my eighteen years of life, is sometimes what's unsaid is better to remain being unknown.

I let out a sigh, wrapping my hand around my brother's arm as we leave the house.

this chapter is so bad I literally hate it. But it's fine, the next one will make up for it I promise.

Thank you all for reading, love you x

unedited !

𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 | 𝟏𝟖+Where stories live. Discover now