Skin care routine

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(A/N) If you ship them, you're automatically my friend and I will spam you with my headcanons so you might as well hate before I claim you my friend.

Since the ADA crisis, the last time we saw Poe he was visiting Mushitarō and they seemed to get along pretty well so I thought I could do a cute little oneshot about them <3

(Not that I'm having an obsession of course, no, no...)

The clock was ticking, Poe was crossing his arms and his foot rapidly tapped the floor.

Mushitarou had put on fake glasses and had a strict and serious face as he was reading one of Poe's novel.

The silence was loud for Poe.

After a while, Mushitarou sighed like a dissapointed father who was reading his son's grades.

He took off his fake glasses and rubs his eyes.

-Poe.. What can I say..

Poe winced and grints his teeth anxiously.

-How about... IT'S AMAZING!!

Poe's face lit up at that and Mushitarou was wearing a big and wide smile.


-Of course!

-So... If, potentially, you were to be trapped in this book, how would you rate it?



-Bold of you to assume I want to be trapped in a book.

-Seems fair.

Mushitarou then glanced at the clock.

-Well, I gotta go.

-Where? You're not supposed to go, you're still in captivity, y'know?

-I ment I'm going to stay 4 hours in a bathroom so my face and beautiful hair looks perfect.

-Oh, so that's what you're doing every night.

-What do you think I was doing every night?

-I don't know, get possessed or something?

-You're silly, anyway, want to join?

Poe seems taken aback by the proposal and stammers.

-Ah.. Uh... Alright, yes, sure.

Mushitarou snickers at his reaction and walks to the bathroom, Poe following.

Mushi closes the door and takes a lot of product in his arms, he ruffles the writer's hair to see what kind of product might be good for him.

-Alright, you'll need this, and this, and this, and this...

Poe could barely hold everything and half of it fell on the ground.

-How... Did you procure yourself all this...?

-That's for me to know, and for you to find out~

-I need to check my bank account..

-Yes, you should.

Mushitarou then pulled out a hairpin and Poe took a step back.


-I wanna leave.

-Don't back out now.

-Please let me leave...

-No. Put. The. Hairpin. On.

-No. Way. In. Hell.

Mushitarou jumps on Poe and Poe tries his best to fight back.

After a while, he gave in and wore the hairpin, revealing his face completely.

-I don't see why you're such afraid of showing your face? There's nothing wrong with it. Are you insecure? Or do you just wanna look edgy?

-I'm going to ignore that...

-Anyway, bring your face.

Poe leaned closer for Mushitarou to aply the cream, his touch was gentle and Poe's face was now smooth and shiny.

-See, Poe, you're the kind of guy that looks wonderful once you do a skin care but are too stubborn or too lazy to do it.

-Or too occupied?

-Don't get sassy.

-Right, sorry, thanks for the half compliment though.

-You're welcome.

They heard little scratches from the door.

-Can Karl come in? asked Poe.

-Of course he can!

Mushitarou opend the door and Karl froze when he saw Poe. He took a step back with a growl, ready to attack.

-Wait- Karl- It's me- AAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!

-Holy shit-

Karl jumped on Poe, attacking him with his claws.

-Stop! Karl! You're ruining his skincare!


-Hey! I payed for those!


-Sharing is caring!


-Right, right.

Mushitarou did his best to snatch Karl off his owner's face. The racoon suddenly froze when he finnaly recognized him, he lets out a whiny and panicked squeal.

Karl ran to Poe's arms, apoligetic.

-Well that's grand, your skincare's ruined now!



(A/N) Uhm... Yeah, I want them to kiss but we gotta wait for the third lover 😔

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