Chapter 31 - Bliss

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A week later, Akshara Birla stood in her room as she inspected her husband. He'd just returned from work and was currently on the phone, looking terribly sexy as he discussed a work case. Oh, she had it so bad for him.

It seemed like everything had fallen into place as she had returned back home. Everyone was so happy to see her and she had felt almost emotional reuniting with everyone, realising that they really were all her family. Even Nishta had missed an earful from Akshara and Abhimanyu when she had returned, instead, she'd been welcomed with hugs and pampering.

Smiling, she crept up behind Abhimanyu once he got off the phone, and wrapped her arms around him, leaning her head further into his back and hiding there. She was so small compared to his large frame and it only added to the intensity of the moment

"Missing me?" Abhimanyu teased her as he smiled instantly at her touch.

Akshara closed her eyes, trying her hardest not to blush.

"Mmmm... I want to hide you from the whole world.. not fair that work needs you so much" she complained.

Abhimanyu chuckled, she was so damn adorable and sexy at the same time! What would he do with her?

He eyed the envelope that lay in front of him and then smiled, deciding this was the perfect moment.

He held her hand and twirled around so that she was now in front of him in his arms.

"Abhi!" Akshara shrieked at the surprise twirl.

Abhimanyu grinned, leaning down to press a kiss to her lips. "mmmm now that is the perfect way to say hello"

She stared back at him happily as he pressed another kiss to her lips. He picked up the envelope that now lay on the counter behind her reaching over her as she gazed at him curiously.

"So there's a reason I worked extra hard this week...." he told her as he handed the envelope to her. Akshara looked at him, raising an eyebrow as she tried to work out what he was up to now.

"Needed to create some time for leave in my calendar..." he grinned as he ushered her to open it.

Akshara slowly tore the paper apart, her heart racing at what his words insinuated. Tearing it, she set the envelope aside as she gazed at what was inside.

She read the paper in front of her slowly, registering each word as she realised what it meant.

Her eyes widened in surprise.

"Abhi...." she gasped.


Skating at Rockefeller Centre.

Her Dream.

And it happened... all because of Abhimanyu. Not had he taken her on a surprise trip to New York. But he had booked the best accommodation and then taken her to Rockefeller on their very first night there, knowing that it was on the top of her bucket list. He had remembered from the very first date itself.. and had booked passes to attend an unlimited amount for their entire stay.

But more than that.

He had been there every step of the way.

He had taught her how to skate.

Held her hand.

Supported her when she was about to fall.

And now here he was on the day when she was finally about to achieve her bucket list item.

She couldn't believe her luck.

She gazed at him now, looking so handsome in his skating wear as he took a photo of Akshara in front of the famous Rockefeller statue. In fact, he hadn't stopped taking photos of her this entire trip.

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