Chapter 2 - Wedded

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Akshara stared at her reflection in the mirror, the red sindoor and mangalsutra that lay around her petite neck reflecting her newly wedded status. She blushed inspecting herself again, remembering his piercing gaze during the wedding rituals.

Akshara Abhimanyu Birla.

She was officially his.

She sighed, she knew this was not a proper marriage. She knew there would never be love. She knew he'd never harbour any feelings for her.

But still, her entire life had been him for as long as she could remember.

The very first-time Nishta had brought Akshara to her home, Akshara had become bright red as she'd tripped over Abhimanyu and he had gently stabilised her. Giving her a small smile that had been embedded in her memory forever, she had fallen in love over the years.

And the truth was, she had tried to move on.

Of course, she had! So many times.

But every time she had started dating or gotten into a relationship with someone, she compared them to Abhimanyu endlessly on her end. And she knew it was not fair. Not fair to her. Not fair to the guy. And not fair to love.

So when her foster parents had brought home the idea of her marrying Abhimanyu, what else was she meant to do?

She owed her foster family a lot. She was willing to take a bullet for them. They had raised her like her own despite her being adopted into the family. And she knew, being a foster child she was not hot on the market for marriages.

And besides...

She'd already given up her heart to the guy. She was pretty sure she couldn't marry anyone else... it'd be too unfair for them to fall in love with someone who had already given their heart, mind, and soul to someone else.

So she'd stuck through it.

Even though she knew that he would not ever reciprocate her feelings.

She gazed back at her mirror as she gasped, catching his reflection that had suddenly appeared. Her handsome husband. He had looked irresistible in that sherwaani the whole night. And she had bit her lip tighter every time she had seen him, ignoring the way she trembled under his gaze.

She focused her attention back on removing her earrings, she'd already removed most of her makeup by now but she hadn't missed his attention in the background as he inspected the bed and confusion furrowed his face.

Clearing her throat she turned around to him, continuing to work towards her earrings which were now a complete pain!

"Abhi...." she whispered gently, she'd called him that before but now the name filled her up with butterflies.


He was her husband.

He looked over at her straight away, watching her struggle with the back of her earrings. She'd looked like a vision the whole entire night. He'd always known that Akshara was one of the most attractive people to exist... but the way she'd looked in her bridal attire, he'd been completely floored. At some point, he'd even felt somewhat emotional? And he had to back out quickly to recollect himself and compose himself, feeling confused at the outburst of unusual emotion.

"Want some help?" Abhimanyu chuckled, watching her struggle.

"No... it's okay" she muttered, cursing under her breath at the heavy jewelry she'd been forced to wear.

Abhimanyu watched her struggle for a few minutes and then cutely whine as she gave up, holding her hands up. He laughed, ushering over as he slowly covered his large hands with hers but then gulped when he'd realised what he'd done.

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