Chapter 26 - Leaving

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Abhimanyu groaned as he sat back in his study leaning his head against the tall office chair as he tried to relax his head. The plate of untouched food with an empty mug of coffee sat in the background on his desk... who knew how long that had been there for now. He could not remember his last proper meal.

Everything hurt all over.


His temples were pulsating, his head was hurting, and every bit of his being felt tired and low.

But his heart.

His heart hurt the most.

He had regretted his words the instant he had said them. He should not have said they needed space. They didn't. They needed each other.

Or at least, he needed her.

He had a sneaky suspicion before but he knew it for sure now... he could not live without her. There was just no way. She was his life. His happiness, his sunshine, his heart. She was his whole entire heart.

Running his hands through his hair, he leaned his head down on his office table lost in the memory of her scent as the light reflected off the photo he had placed of her on his desk.

Guilt enveloped him all over as he saw her sparkling eyes in the photo.

He should have told her about Anushka.

He should have never hid it from her.

How heartbroken would he have been if he was in her position...

How upset would he have been.

And the sight she had seen, even if it was a mean plan conspired by Anushka, he wish he could erase it from Akshara's memory completely. In fact, he wished he could erase the whole day.

They had to be together.

In his attempt of trying to protect her, he had done the unthinkable... he had disrespected her by not telling her.

Shame hung over his head as he tried to avoid the indescribable pain that completely consumed him.

His family was starting to worry and he knew it. Akshara had called and told them she had some festivities at home because she was trying to protect them. But they were starting to worry now.

Abhimanyu barely spoke.

He barely ate.

His face was blank, expressionless.

The past couple of days had been miserable. And he wanted to go to her.

He wanted to go to her immediately.

But it was the first time Akshara had asked for something... space.

And although it almost broke his resolve, he had to respect her wishes.

He didn't know how to function anymore and he feared that if he didn't see her soon, he wouldn't know how to go on.

A buzz from his phone woke him up from his thoughts as he scrunched his eyebrows at the name that popped up, "Nishta?"

"Bhai!" Nishta panicked on the other line as he picked up the call, "You have to hurry - Akshara is leaving us... she is ... she is going to the US for music therapy... bhai, please.. I spoke to her this morning and she told me"

Abhimanyu's eyes shot up. He stood up straight away, shock enveloping every fiber of his being.

"What?" he echoed, shock radiating through his voice over the phone as he processed what Nishta had just said.

She was leaving?

To the US?

She was leaving?


She couldn't leave.

His entire being shook.

"Bhai get to the airport quick" Nishta panicked on the other end, interrupting the chain of tumultuous thoughts that were starting to build up in his head making it swirl.

In his moment of panic, Abhimanyu went into autopilot mode. He grabbed his keys without thinking twice and headed straight for the door to his car.



He was going to fix everything.

He couldn't let her go.


Not before he apologised.

And told her how deeply he loved her.

So Akshara is leaving... what do you think will happen next?

N x

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