Chapter 22 - Waiting Games

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The next morning, Akshara was sitting outside on the benchtop table that was located in the backyard of the Goenka residence. She had spent the day catching up with her family and was now busy working through some work emails to distract her worried mind.

She hadn't heard back from Abhimanyu in more than 24 hours. She knew how busy he was so she was trying her hardest to ignore it but at the same time... he always at least texted her to say good night.

If he missed everything else, he would not miss their goodnight text.

Biting her lip, she tried to ignore the knots that had built up in her stomach, telling herself she was overthinking and that he was fine.

Trying to concentrate back on her emails, she sifted through them as she typed up responses but her mind was totally occupied somewhere else.

And then her phone rang, causing her to jump from her reverie. In a rush, she looked at the caller ID hoping and praying it was Abhimanyu.


"Nish have you heard anything?" she asked, trying her best to not sound panicked.

"Akshara honey... you need to relax... bhai is fine... I shouldn't tell you this but I suppose I have to or else you are going to have a breakdown. He is actually on his way from London right now... just stopping by BE first" Nishta informed her, trying to calm down her anxiety.

"Sachi?" Akshara squealed standing up from her seat.

"Yes... now don't say anything" Nishta threatened her.

"Abhi is back?!" she whimpered, going all soft.

"Akshara" Nishta groaned, "don't go all lover-girl mode on me"

"I'm sorry, love you more than anything Nishta meri jaan- but I have to go see him" Akshara declared, packing up all her items as she spoke.

"Akshara!" Nishta reprimanded, screeching at her best friend, her brother was going to kill her.

"Bye.... love you see you at home" Akshara hung up smiling as she looked at her phone background.

A photo of him.

She pressed a kiss to it.

"See you soon hubby"


Abhimanyu stepped into his office space in a rush, it was Sunday and one of the rare days that it was empty given that their business week had come to a close in London. There were just a few members hanging around. The business review closure had happened earlier than expected.. and he wasn't going to lie.. he knew the reason why.

He had been itching to get home to his darling wife.

His Akshara.

He had worked his hardest to produce the best results and he was proud of the outcome. Due to the team's hard work and due diligence, they were able to complete the audit a couple of days earlier than expected and with everything submitted, he had the option of flying back home a couple of days earlier. Harshvardhan had promised he would take care of the remaining couple of menial tasks. And for once, Abhimanyu had taken the offer wanting to go back to her.

He couldn't wait to tell her how in love with her he was.

To give her his surprise.

He grinned.

He just had to quickly pick up a file first.

"I'm coming jaan" Abhimanyu thought to himself as he picked up his pace across his office hall.

He passed Nancy's office as she immediately stood up.

"Hello Ms, what are you still doing here?" Abhimanyu teased his assistant, "You should go home, your son and husband are waiting for you"

And then he noticed her upset face.

Immediately he placed his bag down, inspecting her face.

"What's wrong Nancy?" he asked her sternly.

"Woh- Sir... I tried my hardest to stop her..." Nancy began looking frustrated.

"Her?" Abhimanyu asked confused.

Perplexed, he sifted his attention back to his office.

Opening the door, he barged in.

And that's where his breath got stuck in his throat.

The last person he wanted to see today.


Thank you so much for all your lovely birthday wishes, I will respond to them all individually but just wanted to let you all know how grateful I am! <3

N x

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