Chapter 24 - Aching Hearts

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Akshara turned on her heel, tears falling down her face as she paced down the hallway of his workplace suddenly feeling suffocated. All her emotions and feelings whirled as she felt overwhelmed with each step she took.

She knew she should trust him.

And she did.

But that sight was enough to stimulate all the insecurities that had built up in her head.

Why had he not told her he loved her?

Why had he not let her say she loved him?

Why had he come back without telling her?

And now.... Anoushka?

What was she doing here?

Did she work here?

For how long?

Why didn't he tell her?

Her cries became quicker as she felt herself hiccup and find it difficult to steady her breath.

Goodness, it hurt.

It hurt so much.

It hurt so fucking much.

Touching her beating heart with her fist, she tried to calm herself down when she felt dizzy all of a sudden from the emotional rollercoaster.

Could it be possible she had read him wrong?

Her heart started to pace as she felt herself twirl as the world became dizzy.. and right before she could hit the ground, two strong arms caught her.

"Akshara!" Abhimanyu yelped, catching her before she could fall. His own heart was hurting and tears had quickly gathered in his own eyes when he realised what may be running through Akshara's mind.

No no no.

It couldn't be.

He'd never loved before her.

She was his everything.

"Akshara Akshara Akshara... please oh god I promise I swear on my life... let me explain" Abhimanyu began settling her down on the couch.

"How long has she been here?" Akshara asked one question in return, looking at him numbly as she tried to process what was happening.

That was what was nagging her. She knew that the sight that she had seen was not a representation of what had happened. She trusted Abhimanyu that much. She knew that nothing could have happened.

She believed in their love.

He'd never do anything to hurt her.

Let alone cheat her.

But why was Anushka here in the first place? And more importantly, how long had she been here?

"Since this project audit began... she's been working on a project under Arohi," Abhimanyu told her honestly, feeling shame and guilt envelope him over not telling her earlier.

Akshara held her head as she crouched her head in her hands feeling the roof collapse in on her.

"P-please please..." she trembled, "j-just give me space.."

"Akshara" Abhimanyu whimpered crouching down in front of her so that he was on his knees, the tears openly falling out of his eyes. "Please baby... please... I can't god I can't breathe without you..."

Akshara let out a troubled hiccup in return. "Please I just need some t-time... just give me some space"

Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew Abhimanyu was being framed but knowing that Anushka had been around coupled with her other insecurities made everything in her body hurl.

Abhimanyu looked dejected dropping his hands down to his knees. This was the first time she had asked for space.. and as difficult as it was, he knew he had to respect it.

"Arre Akshara ma'am" a voice interrupted.

Abhimanyu looked up behind him recognising Nancy's voice, trying to indicate that now was not a good time to talk.

Akshara looked up from where her head was crouched down.

"What's wrong ma'am.. is it the stalker bothering you again?" Nancy asked rubbing her back gently, her motherly instincts taking over again.

Akshara's eyes widened as Abhimanyu scrunched up his eyebrows.

"Stalker?" he asked, the look of confusion evident on his face as he tried to put pieces of the puzzle together.

"Haan Sir... you know the guy who has been following and stalking Akshara ma'am! Thank goodness she contacted me about it and we were able to pinpoint him and have him taken in by the police" Nancy said in a matter-of-fact tone.

She then paused to look at both of their faces, sensing the change in atmosphere... and soon realising she had stepped out of line. Nancy immediately bit her lip.

Akshara looked at him horrified as his face turned stone cold.

"Nancy," Abhimanyu said in a stern cold voice that sent a shiver down Akshara's spine. "I want you to leave us alone ... send a harassment report to Ms. Shergill, use the CCTV footage from my office as evidence... and send me a report of Akshara's so-called stalker IMMEDIATELY".

Nancy nodded, looking at both of them apologetically realising she had crossed a boundary. "I'm really sorry Ma'am... Sir"

And then she left silently, leaving the two behind.

"Stalker?!" Abhimanyu said, his tone stern and firm, filled with anger.

His caring hazel eyes turned into a cool grey that scared her to her core.

"Abhi I-" Akshara began grabbing his hand trying to explain her stand.

"Are you kidding me? You have a fucking stalker and you didn't tell me?" Abhimanyu's anger enveloping him suddenly completely forgetting the situation that had just occurred. "Do you have any idea what could have happened to you?"

Hot angry tears dropped from his face.

He didn't give a damn about the situation that had just happened in the moment before.

All he could focus on was her.

Her safety.

Her wellbeing.

Stalkers were not a small matter.

Goodness, what if something had happened to her?

She could have been deeply hurt. He couldn't bear the thought of a single scratch on her let alone someone stalking her!

Akshara looked up at him suddenly feeling angry. When had the tables turned?

"I'm sorry that I didn't have time while you were busy having meetings with Anushka!" she said, her pettiness getting the best of her as she tried to process her emotions of insecurity, guilt, and anger.

"Akshara" Abhimanyu whispered, his eyes a misty haze, "don't"

Akshara gulped, settling down but her range and anger still evident.

"Do you know what would have happened to me if something happened to you?" he said looking at her, anger completely controlling his mind. "Why didn't you tell me? Why do I have to find out through someone else"

"Because you were busy... I'm sure I don't need to spell that out for you! When on earth would I tell you?" Akshara shouted, feeling anger overcome her too.

They both stared at each other, anger and heartbreak evident in each other's eyes.

"You know what... I think you're right... we do need space" Abhimanyu told her, regretting his words the instant he said it.

Akshara stared at him heartbroken, she silently grabbed her bag and got up to leave.

"I'm going to stay at home longer," she told him, instantly regretting the words as she said it.

And then she left before he had a second to stop her.

Both their hearts aching.


There you all are! Be back with the next one soon.

N x

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