Chapter 9 - A Birla Family Affair

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Akshara stood in the corner twiddling her fingers, all dressed up in a beautiful royal blue lehenga for Mahima's party. Mahima had just signed a prominent multi-figure international company to Birla Enterprises and to celebrate the success, the Birla members had thrown a party with all of their relatives, family friends, and business associates.

It was quite normal for Akshara to feel overwhelmed at these parties, although the Birlas had been a second family to her even before her marriage to Abhimanyu, she still found it difficult to settle into the side that was famous and spread all over the tabloids. Akshara didn't know how to be a fake person and often the superficial conversations around her overwhelmed her. She was also all too aware that when her engagement to Abhimanyu had initially been announced, it had taken the world by storm. Her background had been displayed all over the internet and it wasn't too long before people found out that she was adopted. Feeling her stomach tie in knots, she tried to shake those thoughts from her head.

Normally she would stick with Nishta after formally saying hello to everyone but Nishta had gone overseas for a media gig that she had signed on to. She worked as a journalist and that required her to travel for up to many days at a time.

Sighing, she took a deep breath as Manjari walked up to her and cradled her cheek noticing her visible discomfort. She kissed her forehead in a motherly fashion before being called to the kitchen, giving Akshara an apologetic glance at being interrupted.

Just when she felt unease creep up on her again, she felt a firm figure overshadow her.

She took a sharp breath as she took in a familiar scent.


"You look beautiful" he whispered huskily, passing her a glass of a non-alcoholic beverage before gazing at her again. His brooding hazel eyes stared deeply into hers.

There was a certain intensity they held.

He'd nearly felt himself faint when he'd spotted her across the room earlier. He'd been working late into the night so he'd changed at the office into the clothes Akshara had sent off for him. A velvet blue sherwaani that matched her lehenga.

Like she was claiming him.

It made no sense but it inflated his male ego massively.

His wife.

And she looked so stunning, did she even realise how fucking beautiful she was? He wanted to hide her from the room so no other man could pry a single glance.

Again, he failed to understand the emotions he was feeling looking at her like she was the centre of his world but he pushed it aside. He simply could not understand his thoughts and he knew he had to grip on to them.

"Thank you" Akshara smiled gratefully, warmth spreading across her as nerves of excitement swarmed her belly. She took the drink from his hands and took a sip. "You don't look so bad either" she whispered back.

And Abhimanyu's smile widened at her acknowledgment, his eyes twinkling all over again.

He casually slipped his arm over her shoulders, "Tomorrow wifey... don't forget it's our Sunday".

She gave him a little grin trying to hide the fact that she'd been waiting the whole week for it.

"Bhai! Could you come here... Bhatia uncle wants to discuss..." Neil's voice broke their reverie.

Abhimanyu groaned letting his head drop gently as he closed his eyes, why did everyone want to steal his relaxation time?

Akshara giggled, "go" she whispered, "I'm going to be fine," she told him.

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