Chapter 16 - Twinkling Nights

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Abhimanyu opened the car door on Akshara's side, reminding himself to take a breath. He counted to ten in his head, trying to eradicate the wild and possessive thoughts that were going through his head.

To be honest, it was not his fault!

She looked .... well, sexy would be the biggest understatement of the century.

It was one of his best friend's, Dr Rohan's, birthday and he'd invited the couple to a fancy Mumbai club/bar. He'd expected a casual night with some drinks and introducing all of his friends to his ladylove properly.

But what he was not expecting was the bombshell she had dropped on him walking through in that skin-tight midi red dress. The best part about it was that it was all class! Not an inch of it was exposed in the wrong way or done cheaply... it was the elegance she pulled with such a simple but sexy dress that had him begging on his knees.

He was a goner.

And boy was he down bad.

The best part about it was that before they had left Akshara had sprayed his cologne all over herself and when he questioned why, she'd simply said she loved smelling like him.. causing his heart to race all over again.

He was trying to go slow.. to pace themselves... but goodness it was tough when the chemistry they shared was just irresistible.

Akshara smiled gratefully at him as she got out of the car and slid her petite hand through his large one. He looked nothing short of perfection with his all-black look, his black shirt unbuttoned revealing just a little bit of his chiseled body.

She'd fumbled with her fingers and avoided eye contact with him completely when she had first seen him.

Abhimanyu pulled her close as some guards came to guide them. He pressed soft kisses on her forehead, resting his arm just above her tailbone on her back.

"You know... I want to keep you to myself the whole night... we don't have to go in" Abhimanyu whispered huskily.

Akshara laughed, punching his chest softly, loving the feeling of being completely wrapped in him. "Abhi he's one of your bestfriends"

"And that's why he'll understand" Abhimanyu winked, "you look incredible Akshara.. I'll never get sick of saying it"

Akshara blushed, leaning up and quickly brushing their lips together, "Thank you hubby".

And he grinned when they parted.

He loved her calling him that.

Her husband

Damn right, he was.


"Akshara... look at the stunning Mrs. Birla!" Rohan greeted enthusiastically, wrapping the petite girl into a hug. He'd grown up with Abhimanyu and had met Akshara on several occasions. He'd always been fond of the girl, her genuineness and calm nature brought groundedness to all of their lives. So he'd been one of the most supportive people when he'd found out that the two had married.

"Ro... happy birthday" Akshara greeted him, returning his hug and balancing her glass of a non-alcoholic beverage in the other.

Breaking apart, she asked him, "Where is Sara?" referring to Rohan's fiancee of a few months.

"Just out the back... she'll return in a moment, how have you been?!" he asked her in a boyish brotherly manner.

"Ahem.." Abhimanyu pretended to cough as Rohan looked up, rolling his eyes at his best friend.

"Abhi" he laughed giving him a side hug as he patted his back, "get used to it brother... you're already the centre of attention everywhere you go but from now on, Akshu is my number one because she's now my sister-in-law".

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