Chapter 13 - Am I Your Future?

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Abhimanyu sat inside his home study as he ferociously worked through one of his upcoming projects. The end of the financial year was always a busy time but this year it was even busier because he had planned to invest even more internationally.

The Birlas had some distant family members over today including the infamous Arohi Singhania and much to his chagrin, he'd been requested by his Mother to be present at home that weekend because some family members had traveled from a distance away.

Closing his eyes in annoyance, he remembered resting his head on Akshara's shoulder in their room earlier that day, begging her to cover for him while he escaped working. She'd simply laughed and told him that he'd have to come and face dearest Arohi but suggested working in his home office to escape from the million questions.

She knew about Arohi's great love for him.

Of course, she did.

Akshara somehow just knew.

She just got it.

Without him asking, without him saying.

At his wife's thought, he let out a smile.

A love-struck sickened smile.

His comfort.

His home.

She'd become the only person whose eyes he wanted to meet across any room and any time he didn't have her around, he felt like his entire world was empty.

He'd never felt this way.


He couldn't imagine in any world that Abhimanyu Birla would behave this way.

No one could.

He was totally lovesick.

And the best thing was, he loved it.

Groaning, he turned his attention back to his work as he reviewed a report he'd received from one of his employees. Probably the fifteenth report he'd read that morning itself. Stretching his fingers, he focused his attention back on it as he wrote some notes on the side and let himself absorb back into the world of his work.

That is... until he heard a little twinkle.

His favourite sound in the world.

The twinkle of her anklet.

He stopped instantly, turning around to face the door to see her standing there looking cheekily at him.

"Look who it is" he teased her, gleaming at the blush his teasing elicited from her. She was dressed simply in jeans and a white linen blouse but to him, it was the most beautiful sight.

"Someone has to keep my hubby fed" she teased him back, repeating his lines from the picnic the other day as she held up a bowl of cut-up fruit.

His smile widened as he turned his chair to face her, holding out his hands to her as if gesturing her to come sit.

Akshara blushed deeper, no matter how much closer they had gotten... this intimacy always sent her heart racing. Taking a deep breath, she moved forward walking towards him as he grabbed the bowl of fruit and placed it on his desk, and then wrapped an arm around her waist. Gently, he situated her so she was sitting on his thigh and her arm automatically wrapped around his neck.

"Are you working hard husband?" she teased him again as he rested his hand on her leg and made her comfortable.

He chuckled, "why... is my wife missing me?" he asked piercingly looking into her eyes.

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