But surprisingly, Wang Yibo got angry.

"I will refuse to acknowledge you then. Until you learn to rely on me, I......I won't talk to you." Wang Yibo turned a deadly earnest expression on him.

Xiao Zhan laughed, "What?"

Rising up in revolt, the silly dog dared to go so far as to threaten him?

"From now on." Wang Yibo was being exceptionally stubborn today. Once he said it, he really refused to acknowledge him and just walked out of the room with a calm expression.

Xiao Zhan was completely dumbfounded.

Was he still asleep? Dreaming of a parallel world where Wang Yibo had become tough and tyrannical?

Originally posted at tailor31415.wordpress.com, please do not read elsewhere

For the whole rest of the day, Wang Yibo really did abide by his promise and didn't say a word to him. He silently served tea and delivered food and did whatever he wanted, he wasn't negligent at all. Except for the fact that he didn't say a word, everything else was ordinary and like usual.

During this period, many people came to visit: Shen YongMei, Liu Han, Xiao Xiao, Luo YongHeng......but the visitor who surprised Xiao Zhan the most was the main culprit who had caused him to be in such a wretched state now.

"You dare come here?" he asked.

Yao Yi's face was incredibly swollen and his eyes were sealed shut from tears. Even though he wasn't willing at all, he apologized sincerely, "I'm sorry......I didn't expect that kind of thing would happen. I just heard that you once again humiliated Zou Rui, so I just wanted to teach you a lesson, that's all......"

"Oh? Zou Rui didn't know about it?"

"He didn't know!" Yao Yi hurriedly said, "It's all my own idea......but he knows about it now and he was afraid I'd drag him down, so he dumped me......"

"You still really like him, helping clear his name after being dumped." Xiao Zhan looked over the little omega before him who had ducked his head in grief and smiled nastily, "This is called 'to reap what you sow'."

Yao Yi glowered at him, "Xiao Zhan !"

"What, did you think I'd comfort you? Wake up, I haven't forgotten the old animosity between us. That person previously who poured oil on the staircase, wasn't it you?"

Yao Yi simply confessed without rambling on, "Yes. I didn't want you to be his dance partner, so I originally wanted you to injure yourself in a fall. Who could've imagined that by chance the one hurt instead would be Wang Yibo."

Xiao Zhan stared at him coldly. After a moment, Yao Yi started sweating from the fixed glare and he softened his tone, "It's not like I haven't reflected on it, okay? Who let you be so annoying......"

"Fine." Xiao Zhan smiled suddenly. "You've also been beaten, anyway. You'll remember that. Plus your boyfriend is gone. Once I saw you stand up right away to protect and help me, I instantly no longer cared about the previous stuff."

Yao Yi blinked in surprise. "You're forgiving me so easily? I got those people to beat you...... If it weren't for me, that mess never would've happened......"

"Forgive you? Dream on. I said 'no longer cared about it', okay? Or should I jump up and start beating you?" Xiao Zhan pointed at his cast, "I have other things to worry about right now. I don't want to waste the effort getting revenge against you. "

Yao Yi asked tentatively, "Are......are things okay with your family member?"

"Why are you asking?"

"Just one glance is enough to see......" Yao Yi fell silent. Usually Wang Yibo stuck so closely to Xiao Zhan that it was annoying, following behind him wherever he went, always smiling foolishly. But when he saw Wang Yibo just now, he hadn't said a word in front of Xiao Zhan .

"You must've bullied him again, right?"

Xiao Zhan rejected that concept, "Why would you say that? Can't he be the one bullying me this once?"

Yao Yi looked at him in disgust, "Who can bully you......three alphas couldn't subdue you."

Xiao Zhan let out a proud hum.

Yao Yi thought it over for a moment, then decided it would be proper to say a few words on behalf of the innocent Wang Yibo he'd hurt, "You should be nice to him, your alpha is going to stubbornly blame himself. That day when he saw your appearance, he nearly went mad. The pheromone explosion almost scared those three trash to their knees. I was fucking shaking in the doorway, unable to move. It took everything I had to crawl over and persuade him to take you to the hospital first. Otherwise he probably would've beaten them to death. Really, he was so scary. His brutal, vengeful appearance may become my lifelong trauma."

Xiao Zhan frowned.

Once again, Wang Yibo had raised a hand on his behalf.

"So your injury was from him?"

Yao Yi put a hand to his swollen cheek, "Yeah, from when I tried to intervene to avoid a disaster. But compared to most alphas, this was almost like a stroke..."

"Fuck off, what stroke, don't get some idea in your head without permission." Xiao Zhan put on a look of disgust. "Speaking of them, what about those three?"

"Sent to another hospital. They were first punched and bit by you, then beaten by Wang Yibo. They're much worse off than you, with a few broken bones, plus some concussions. Also we called the police and the storehouse had cameras. It was a very clear-cut case of intent to assault an omega, so they'll probably get a sentence of several years."

Xiao Zhan nodded after hearing this. "Then I'm done with you. Go out and call my alpha in."

Yao Yi: "?? Since when am I your servant?"

"You caused me this much trouble, what's the matter with those words? Be careful or I'll report you to the police as the mastermind." Xiao Zhan reclined back in the hospital bed and let out a sigh of laughter. "Be good, go do what this daye1 told you, little omega."

Enraged, Yao Yi cursed, "I should've called in some more rogues to beat you to death!" Having said that, he still walked out of the room and called Wang Yibo in.

"I hope you're dumped soon!" Yao Yi ferociously tossed out these final words and slammed the door.

Xiao Zhan snorted, "What a joke. Just look and see how much my alpha loves me." He raised his chin to Wang Yibo, "Right?"

Wang Yibo nodded, but didn't say a word.

Annoyed, Xiao Zhan said, "Isn't this enough? It's been a whole day, how long are you going to be stubborn with me?"

Wang Yibo finally opened his mouth, "Will you take your own personal safety seriously in the future?"

"When have I ever not taken it seriously? Don't try to lecture me."

Wang Yibo didn't speak again, his brown-green eyes calmly staring at Xiao Zhan , silently conveying his uncompromising attitude.

Xiao Zhan was incredibly irritated. "You really have great skill at being so mute, let's see how long you can bear it."

Wang Yibo's expression was both serious and solemn. He leaned over and lightly pressed a kiss to his eyelid. "I was able to bear it from the first year of junior middle school to freshman year, not confessing to you for six years. I can definitely bear it longer than you."

Short Story of XiaoWangWhere stories live. Discover now