After some time passed He reached the border of Dhurland. He headed North and forth.

After walking for hours He reached The UTULA FOREST. it was still dark and that forest was restricted to wandering at night. Jack took a deep breath and entered the forest. The forest was full of tall Redwood trees. The trees were moving like they are alive, because of the wind.

Jack felt tired after walking for a long time. So he stopped under a Big tree. He took his water bottle and drank.

Suddenly a cold wind went through the forest. The water in the bottle froze. Jack quickly stood up and grabbed a stick nearby. He heard a noise coming from the East.

It was a herd of creatures called "SNOWDERS". Snowders were innocent creatures that looked like deer with a Horn and Antennas on Their head. When a heard of Snowders are running, the area becomes colder. There were 20 snowders in the herd. Jack stepped away from their path.

After the herd passed the forest, the frozen water became normal again. It was really quiet after the snowders are gone. Jack realized something was chasing the snowders and I could be a Predator.

Jack heard some bushes moving. There was something growling behind the bushes. Suddenly a Big " TION " jumped through the bushes and it was Drooling as it heavily breathed the air. Jack slowly stepped back and prepared to run. The Tion Roared like a Lion.

Tions were predators. They were like a hybrid of Lions and lizards which had fur around its neck and Sharp claws on strong four legs. They had long fangs and small spikes on their back. They were not easy to outrun and they were born to hunt. One of the dangerous things that live in Wach-Jeju.

Jack started to run without Directions. He ran without looking back. The Tion was chasing Jack through the forest and through the obstacles. Jack suddenly fell into a Hole in the ground. It was a hidden Tunnel that must lead somewhere. The Tion couldn't reach Jack. It tried to reach its arms to Jack but It couldn't. So it roared and walked away as a defeated hunter. The chase made Jack puff and he breathe heavily. He sat down for a while until he feels comfortable. After some minutes he started walking through the tunnel until he find an exit.

While walking Jack felt hungry and sat down on a rock. He took a sandwich and ate it. After that, he continued walking forward. It became darker when he walked forward. So Jack made a torch and Lit it up.

Jack walked for an Hour. He was tired and all sweaty. He started thinking about home. His eyes were full of tears. He looked back and took a deep breath.

"Why Did I do this? My parents will be mad and heartbroken. Should I give up and go back? "

Jack talked to himself.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I won't step back. I will go forward. I am not stepping back. "

Jack stood up and walked forward without looking back.

After walking for about fifty minutes Jack saw a light coming from forward of the tunnel. There was an exit, finally.

Jack ran towards the light. He saw gold rays of light coming through the trees. He started hearing birds singing. He felt happy about escaping the tunnel. He was in some kind of Hidden Forest. It was in a cave. It was surrounded by rock walls and the above was clear. One of the two suns was up in the sky, and it was visible because of the Hole above. This hidden forest is in somewhere below the Utula forest.

Jack picked and ate some blueberries that were on a tree. There was also a lake with pure water. Jack filled his water bottle and washed his face with cool water.

The Lonely Wolf Of LriWhere stories live. Discover now